Be a Singer Singing As a Career

So you are interested to be a professional singer and thus intend to take up singing as your career. So what are you doing about it to have a successful career as a singer and even becoming an international pop star?

For those with natural talents in singing as well as performing and good connections in the industry, path to be a professional singer can be much easier than those without these advantages. However, that does not mean that you will succeed as a singer.

Whatever position you are presently in at the moment, the long and winding road of getting there is going to be filled with hard work and exasperations, but when you finally become a star, all the sweat and tears are well worth it.

The first thing you must do is that you really must know the techniques and skills of singing. Many people ignorantly think that to be a good singer, all you need to have is a good voice. They are wrong! It is much more than that.

First, you can start off with learning the basics of singing such as correct breathing techniques, voice control and projections, increasing your vocal range and many more things a good singer must learn and master. Therefore taking formal singing lessons from good teachers is absolutely necessary for most if not all aspiring singers although there are singers who made it without any formal training. Singers who never stop learning and are willing to improve are the ones who succeed eventually.

Many aspiring singers actually think that they can just do it on their own and do not realize that taking singing lessons can improve their voice quality and singing techniques exponentially. If you are one of them, please think real hard about it because if you do not know how to use your voice correctly and properly, you may end up damaging your vocal cords swiftly putting an end to your singing career even before it begins!

Next, learn from other successful singers. Observe how they sing and move and how they can thrill and influence the audience with their songs. Find out where and how did they learn and hone their craft so well and what they did they did to get where they are today? However, watching the pros do their work do not mean that you must imitate them entirely. You don\’t want to be a clone of the stars because no clones has ever become superstars.

So develop your own singing and performing style in order to create an identity that is you. This is what branding and marketing is all about. You want to brand yourself, not by taking other people\’s brand and making it yours. By doing that, you are a fake and imitations don\’t stand up well to scrutiny.

Budding singers now and then will encounter stage fright. This is especially so at the begining of their singing careers. Many new singers think that after practicing their songs, they can face the audience easily.

They are wrong. So the question is how can you conquer stage fright? Well, get used to singing in front of people is the solution. So join your church choir, join any singing contests in your locality and clubs. Start singing at paries and in front of your families and friends as often as possible until you will never be afraid of singing in front of people.

Once you are ready to embark on your singing career, go out and get a job as a singer. No matter how good you are as a singer, if you do not go out there and sing to live audiences, nobody will now that you are a good singer. So go join a band and perform regularly, be a wedding singer and earn some pocket money and write to venues and clubs that employ singers. The aim is to perform and sing to as many people as you can.

That ever so important first job as a singer is your showcase yourself and your talent to the world and if you do that well enough, you will be approached talent scouts and moving on to bigger things! When that happens, your career as a singer is made!

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a music consultant and said that if you want to become a great singer, you should read How to sing higher notes and learn how to be a better singer now.

Category: Career
Keywords: singing career, professional singer

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