Best Internet Security – Superior Defense Using Tiered Security

By using the idea of tiered or layered security, anyone who is prepared to put aside several minutes to learn, can achieve the best internet security against viruses, malware, spyware, or every other threat on the internet. No security configuration can be invincible but \’best internet security \’ here merely means more effective than any other type of computer security (skeptics continue reading, it is all going to make sense by the end of the guide!). You are not going to need a supercomputer to achieve this; any machine that is able to run normal antivirus and firewall programs can just as easily handle a tiered protection. Nor will you need to shell out that much money, you even could use all free utilities (though in general, the additional features with paid versions are well worth the cost). This guide is designed for any PC user who would like to get more effective computer security for themselves, their family, or their pals. Advanced knowledge is not required and all that it will take is to understand the general idea, a bit of fundamental knowledge about computer security applications, and a couple of pointers. This guide will get you on the right track to create the best internet security.

The first thing to understand about computer security is that you should not be employing merely one program as the exclusive method of protection. The idea of tiered computer security is that you build a variety of defenses both in breadth and depth (covering every type of threat and in multiple layers) so initially, it will prevent every single angle of attack and additionally, even if one layer is compromised or fails, the second, third, or even forth layer can prevent it. More importantly, the types of programs you utilize are far more essential than the precise applications you choose to purchase or use. That is a key point about tiered defense if you are to achieve the best internet security. It does not need to depend on any specific program and, done right, will achieve a considerably more dependable and thorough security setup compared to any other type of computer security that is based on a single security program, regardless of how effective it is. Put simply, you can’t build the best internet security by just relying on a single program to cover all your computer security needs. By using an appropriate configuration of compatible services, a computer will be protected in multiple layers from nearly every possible type of risk or angle of attack on the internet.

Don\’t get the wrong idea, it\’s very important to possess trusted and reputable security programs but it\’s more crucial to get the right kinds of utilities. A tiered computer security setup consists of many utilities protecting multiple and distinct angles, but all working towards the same goal, providing you with the best internet security. The main reason this type of setup is always more effective than any specific program is simply because it is possible to already use any program (including your preferred security suite), as the center of your tiered computer security setup. That ‘all-in-one’ suite may be the center but in a tiered security, it remains just one part in your multilayered computer security. Quite simply, that is why the best internet security configurations will necessarily be tiered.

Having said that, if you are unfamiliar with common conventions of computer security programs, there can be some nuance in building a tiered security configuration. The main risk to the average internet user when trying to build the best internet security is the potential of different security utilities to conflict with one another. If you have conflicting services from different programs, this can cause general instability in your computer and could possibly open up holes in your security. Therefore, to correctly achieve the best internet security through tiered protection, it\’s crucial to understand exactly which kinds of programs you need, which types of programs can be running simultaneously and where redundancy will and will not add to your strength.

In order to effectively tier your computer security, the security services need to minimally include the following: Real Time Protection, Passive Defense/ Browser Immunity, Scans and Cleanup, and Firewall. If you do not cover all of these categories, you will not get the best internet security, period. Each of these categories might cover a full article in their own right but the most basic guideline is, you should always and only have one real-time antivirus protection and one firewall. In general, more than one of each will conflict (there are a couple notable exceptions but we cannot include them here). For the remaining two categories, scan/removal and passive defense, multiple redundant utilities are recommended for comprehensiveness simply because these programs do not need to be running except when specifically in use.

Once you cover all the angles, you will have the best internet security and the confidence that comes with this knowledge. However, first you have to find the programs to do this. When searching for which utilities to use for your computer security, remember to only select trusted programs with established credentials and whenever possible, obtain them from their official sites. If you need some help, the Netizen Guide ( is a great guide that will assist you in choosing appropriate programs while avoiding potential pitfalls. A clear step-by-step guide like the Netizen Guide will ensure you have the best internet security without any frustration or confusion.

Once again, with a little direction, regardless of computer security knowledge or expertise, anyone can create a tiered defense and achieve the best internet security.

Good luck and stay safe!

Author Bio: Daniel Delos is a computer security specialist and founder of the Netizen Guide. A straightforward step-by-step guide that anyone can use to set up a tiered defense. To achieve the best internet security today, visit the Netizen Guide.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: best internet security, computer security

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