Best Way To Do Essay Assignments

Essay writing is a very common tool used since ages to judge the writing abilities and skills of a student or a writer. Essay writing can be considered way away from the other types of writings such as thesis papers, article writing, research papers, report writing etc. In my opinion, writing an essay is tougher than any other form because when you write an essay, you don’t add any chapters or headings to your writing. You are expected to produce an essay related to the topic in one go and have to connect the ideas in the way that they form a sequential chain of thoughts and information.

Catchy tips that you may use to polish your essay writing skills are discussed in this article. When you are asked to create an essay, it is imperative to keep in mind the requirements your instructor has mentioned at the time of giving you the assignment. It may include the topic; length of your essay, deadline for submission of essay, etc. revise these instructions when you are all set to go for an essay so that there are no chances of mistakes in your assignment.

Now direct your thoughts towards the title of your essay. Read it over and again so that you can decide quickly what sort of information that you can include in your essay. You must know the flavor and inclination of your instructor, there fore, choose your connections and information wisely keeping in view what your instructor wants out of this topic. Every topic does contain several key words that explain the real theme of the topic. Be sure you include all the key words and phrases that surrounds the topic but in your own ideas.

Choose the length of the first paragraph of the essay in comparison to your whole word count, the introduction phase of your essay must not exceed 10% of the total word length of your essay. After determining the appropriate length of your introduction, use perfect words and sentences that give your readers clear concept of what you have in mind regarding the very topic. The outline of your essay should be clearly defined and elaborated in the introduction of your writing. Use the suggested key words for your topic to give readers a summarized overview of what’s coming next. Introductory paragraph carries the highest percentage of marks than the other sections of your essay so give it some time and revise it over and again to improve its standard.

Another important point that your professor must check is that the paragraphs of your essay must be well engaged. One paragraph should compliment the other. The flow mustn’t be broken at any instance while writing them. Moreover, same thoughts or information must not be repeated in different paragraphs. Each paragraph should speak of some thing catchy and new.

When you are finished with the body of your essay, again, the conclusion of to your introduction. Conclusion should have only one purpose ahead of it and that’s summarizing what you’ve discussed in the body. No new thoughts and suggestions should be put forward in the finishing lines of your essay.

Proofread and submit your essay. Arrange a party and celebrate. You have just created an A grade essay!

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Category: Advice
Keywords: term papers, essays, research papers, thesis, dissertation, book report

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