Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder or manic depression is a psychiatric disorder causing unusual and frequent mood swings, impulsive high level of energy, abrupt rapid activity and creates difficulty in carrying out routine tasks. The symptoms of this disorder are serious. Bipolar disorder can result in damaged relationships, unsatisfactory job or school performance or bleakness. This disorder is curable and those affected, can lead a normal life.

Bipolar disorder is mostly seen in young people in their late teens or early twenties before the age of 25. Some people may have symptoms of this disorder in their childhood.

What are the causes and risks of bipolar disorder?
Scientists believe that there is no prominent cause of this disorder. Many factors and conditions collectively contribute to produce this illness. Genetics/hereditary are supposed to be one of the reasons for bipolar disorder. Research work and studies are in process to find the actual causes of this ailment.

What are the symptoms and signs of bipolar disorder in adult?
People with bipolar disorder experience intense ’emotional episodes.’ Their mood swings occur more often and drastically. The overexcited state is known as ‘maniac episode’ whereas extreme stressed state is known as ‘depressive episode.’ There could be a ‘mixed episode’ in which both the symptoms of happiness and sadness are found.

Some prominent symbols of this mental disorder are:
Mania episode:
– Prolonged outgoing or overly happy mood
– Extreme agitation or irritable mood
– Fast thoughts, jumping from one idea to another in no time
– No concentration on work
– Restlessness
– Insomnia or excessive sleep
– Impulse behavior

Depressive episode:
– Prolonged empty feeling
– Loss of interest in activities once pleasurable
– Fatigue
– Problems in remembering and taking decisions
– Change in habits including eating and sleeping
– Thoughts of committing suicide

Can bipolar disorder be prevented?
No, bipolar disease cannot be prevented. Once diagnosed, it can be treated. The treatment is prolonged and requires patience. It is treated with lithium and lamictal. If they remain ineffective, some other medicines can be use to stabilize the mood.

How is bipolar disorder diagnosed?
Diagnosis of bipolar disorder is based on experiences of a person suffering from it and others around him/her. In the secondary phase, they can be observed by the psychiatrist or nurse. The patient may be admitted to observe activities.

Medical tests are also there to confirm the presence of this illness. An EEG may eliminate epilepsy while a CT scan can also eliminate brain abrasion chances. However a specific bipolar spectrum diagnostic scale can confirm the presence of bipolar disorder.

Like other serious illnesses, bipolar disorder can be difficult for spouses, family members, friends, and other caregivers. Relatives and friends often have to cope with the person\’s serious behavioral problems, such as wild spending sprees during mania, extreme withdrawal during depression, poor work or school performance. These behaviors can have lasting consequences.

Caregivers usually take care of the medical needs of their loved ones. The caregivers have to deal with how this affects their own health. The stress that caregivers are under may lead to missed work or lost free time, strained relationships with people who may not understand the situation, and physical and mental exhaustion.

Author Bio: Mr.Depressione Bipolare

Category: Medicines and Remedies

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