Chicken Coop Kits

My friend who lives in the country has a huge passion for chickens. She does everything with them, including walking them, trying to teach them tricks, and even bathing with them. My friend has been wanting a really simple affordable guide on how to build a chicken coop easily with cheap resources, but with the hard economy she had a hard time finding the knowledge to build a chicken coop until she found this one particular guide. She came across this site:How to Build a Chicken Coop in 3 Days!, she said at first when she saw the site she thought it was a scam because of the way the website is formatted, but then she started reading the site and realized that maybe she should at least try the guide out since it was a really good deal compared to the others. She bought the guide and now she is a happy camper! She has five in her backyard. I guess that comes from being crazy about chickens like the time she brought a chicken to show&tell in the third grade haha! She brought her chicken on a leash several times which was against the rules. I remember all the times she was suspended. I thought it was a phase, but I guess when you have a passion in life, then you stick with it. Her chicken got to ride in the limo with us on the way to Prom. I don\’t think she has ever eaten chicken in her life ever. I don\’t know about you, but I have heard of vegetarians, I have heard of people who don\’t like pork or beef, but have never known anybody who won\’t eat chicken. You could tell by her emotions if something was wrong with her chickens. When Linda, her favorite chicken, got sick, she unfortunately had to be put down. She cried for a whole month. I remember offering to get her another chicken and at first she said nobody could replace Linda, but then I was able to find a chicken that looked like Linda. Her face lit up when I got her that chicken and ironically on her birthday too! Another time we were walking to school because we missed the bus and then her facial expression went from happy-go-lucky to downright depressed. In the middle of the road were a bunch of run over chicks and a mother chicken. She got in the middle of the road and cried for an hour. I couldn\’t get her out of the road and ended up waiting on her to stop crying. Fortunately, it was a two lane country road, so there wasn\’t a lot of people driving and the cars who were on the road went around us. Did I mention that she bathes with them! Only someone who is really obsessed with chickens would do that. I mean can you imagine their claws digging into your skin, uggghhh. But anyways, if you\’re interested in building a chicken coop in three days, then click on the link in the About the Author Section.

Author Bio: I am committed to letting you know about the best products I believe in. Click on the link if interested in finding out how to get this product:

Category: Advice
Keywords: chicken coop kits, chicken coops for sale, small chicken coop, chicken coop building plans

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