Choosing a Career As an MRI Technician

A radiologist technician who has taken additional exams to specialize in magnetic resonance imaging is often called an MRI technician by members of the public. The use of the word technician can be offensive to these professionals who could have spent up to four years qualifying for the position.

How long has MRI technology been used?

MRI technicians are now widely used but the technology is less than thirty years old. As it can be used to highlight all forms of tissue it is particularly useful for assessing brain damage inflicted by various conditions from cancer to hemorrhaging.

Is having an MRI dangerous?

There doesn\’t appear to be any health risks caused by having an MRI although it is not recommended for pregnant women in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. Other people who should avoid these types of scans are those with metal objects in their body or those with certain electrical devices such as pacemakers. Your technologist will ask you for additional details before he starts the scan.

Rather than use radiation like in an X-ray image, the MRI scans works by a combination of radio waves and magnets. Contrary to popular opinion they are likely to be safe for those with bone pins but it is always best to check with the technologist doing your scan.

The MRI technician keeps a close eye on the patient as well as the output from the equipment. The images produced by the scan will be passed to a consultant radiologist for interpretation so it is pointless asking the technician for any information.

Why use an MRI scan?

Because the magnetic force and radio waves allow all tissues to be seen, the scan produced will be very detailed. Even minute changes can be seen which is why they are so effective when dealing with brain tissue samples. Bone tissue shows up darker than fatty tissue due to the different levels of water in each material. Tumors can be relatively easy to spot as can internal bleeds and the progression of certain illnesses such as MS and Alzheimer\’s.

What other skills does an MRI technician need?

In addition to being technically capable an MRI technician also needs to be good with people. The patients are having this scan because their physician suspects something is wrong and that alone is enough to terrify most people. The technician needs to be sympathetic while remaining impartial and professional.

The technician also needs to have good attention to detail and be relatively adaptable. They need to keep their knowledge levels up to date.

Do you need to be certified to work as a radiology technologist?

If you plan on becoming an MRI technician you need to become ARRT certified. Although many states do not require certification to work as a technologist, most insurance companies will not fund tests carried out by non certified technologists. This fact alone means that the majority of hospitals and large medical facilities will not employ those who have yet to pass the ARRT certification process.

Author Bio: Are you interested in becoming an MRI technician? Find out what\’s involved and where to start at

Category: Career
Keywords: medical career,mri,mri technician

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