Creating a Comfortable Music Space in Your Home

Playing an instrument is a big commitment. Playing well is not something that just occurs. It takes practice and in order to become completely proficient at laying an instrument, you need to spend a lot of time practicing. Practice can be boring, but you can make it more enjoyable by creating a pleasant space in which to practice. Like most things, your surroundings play a major role in how you feel about doing something. If you are crammed into an unpleasant space doing something it will get old pretty quickly. Even if you enjoy playing the instrument, you will soon come to dread it, all because you have to practice in a cramped, unpleasant space. If you want to play an instrument, create a comfortable space. You need the right seating for the space, so start with furniture. A duet piano bench or artist piano bench is a great start for that kind of instrument. The music furniture store should be able to help you make just the right choice for your particular instrument and your comfort.

Lighting is another important part of being comfortable in a space. If you are going to be reading sheets of music, make sure your space is lit really well. The brighter the better when it comes to reading the small notes on a sheet of music. However, you also need to make the lighting in the space pleasant. You can use bright task lighting, but keep the rest of the room lit with ambiance. This also makes it pleasant for those who might be sharing the space with you while you practice.

The air in a room is very important, no matter what you will be doing. The air should be clean and fresh. If you can, crack a window open while you practice. Do this even if it is a little chilly outside. The repetitive movements of practice can get boring, but letting a cool, fresh breeze into the space keeps you feeling fresh and clear-headed. It keeps you alert and makes practice easier by preventing you from getting sleepy for foggy.

Make the music space personal. Remember this is your own music space and you need to feel motivated. Surround yourself with materials that make you feel good about playing and remind you why you began playing in the first place. You can choose family photos, art items or anything that makes you feel good about being in a space. Though you will be focusing on practice, you should feel comfortable as soon as you walk into the space. The more welcoming your music practice space, the more eager you will be to practice.

Finally, remove as many distractions as possible. Choose a room for practice that is not a high traffic area in your home. Keep the telephone and television out of the space so you are not interrupted or tempted to switch on the television instead of practicing. All of these tips will help you retain your passion for playing an instrument.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter researched purchasing a duet piano bench for his piano. His wife ordered an artist piano bench online to use in her music room at the local high school.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: duet piano bench,artist piano bench

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