Creating a Photo Album For a Parent on Active Military Duty

Presently, there are many homes around the world with one or both parents absent because they are on active military duty. Military parents sacrifice the ultimate when they serve our great nation and must leave their children and families for long extended periods of time. In many cases, a military parent may be gone from their family for a year or longer at a time before being allowed to return home. This is very hard for the parent as well as painful for the children and other family members.

Soldiers often miss birthdays, anniversaries, Thanks Giving Days and Christmas’. Many family photo albums hold holiday pictures where their soldier is absent. They may not be there when their own child is born or their toddler takes his first step. Often, family members get married or someone graduates high school or college while they are serving. There are many events that these brave men and women will miss. Many families have begun to create memory and photo albums for these soldiers. This is a great way for them to remain connected to their loved ones from far away.

Organizing Cherished Memories

When preparing memory or photo albums for soldiers serving our country, you should collect various shots of the important event that they had to miss. For example, a young soldier may be deployed at the time his wife is about to give birth to their first child. Pictures of the wife during her last few weeks of pregnancy should be the first photos in the memory album. There can be photos of her on the big day when she goes into labor. For those who are comfortable enough, the wife could invite a close relative into the delivery room to photograph the entire birth for her deployed husband. For the last photo in this section, a shot of the new baby in the mother’s arms is a great one. Every event should be set up in the memory album as a time line. The event should be chronicled from the start to the finish. Weddings, graduations and birthday parties can all be done in this manner.

Always Add Some Details

On each page of the memory album, there should be handwritten details about everyone in the photo. Pages can be decorated with patriotic themes or themes that match the subject of the event in the pictures. Many individuals add local newspaper clippings to the memory albums in order for the soldier to feel more attached to home. These albums can be given as surprises in care packages sent to your troop. Those on active military duty with small children will love a memory album that has been created and designed by their children. Children can decorate the album with crayon drawings and stickers of their favorite cartoon characters. This shows the absent parent that the child deeply cares for them and misses them tremendously. Soldiers often begin to feel as if everyone has forgotten them. With these great sentiments, soldiers feel close to their families even if they are miles apart.

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Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: military families, memory album

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