Diabetes Simplified

Diabetes 2 is not an incurable disease. Everyone who does not agree with this statement, or tries to discredit it, should return to the lab and do better research because there are a few natural diabetes cures, or methods, that have proven effective in reversing diabetes.

Diabetes 2 is not a disease; it\’s just a warning sign to stop assaulting your body with an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Change that lifestyle, and you will change your outcome.

The root causes of diabetes 2 can actually be categorized into the following two groups:

1) Very poor quality oils (i.e., toxic oils) ingested over a long period of time. These toxic oils can be found mainly in all man-made processed foods.
2) A combination of carbo-coma-ingesting too many carbohydrates and de-mineralized foods.

This potentially deadly combination results in a condition known as mineral deficiency syndrome or Diabetes 2! Diabetes 2 is the inability of blood in the body to hold sugar levels in check, so blood sugar precipitates out and spills off. That is what insulin is really doing, it is helping the blood to keep sugars under control. In clinical terms, in a person without Diabetes 1 or 2, the pancreas keeps the blood soluble, i.e., in solution, thus helping the blood hold the sugar.

In general, Diabetes 2 is initially developed as hypoglycemia, where the blood sugar becomes too soluble. Having too much insulin released can cause mood swings, irritability, and fluctuations in behavior. Later, this can cascade step-by-step into Diabetes 2, where insulin is no longer released by the pancreas, and the sugar escapes through urine.

With raw food and an appropriate diet and lifestyle, Diabetes 2 can completely be turned around.

What About Diabetes Type 1?

The name Diabetes 1 is a gross oversimplification. Diabetes 1 can be as many as 20 different conditions, probably more. If you eat raw food and take appropriate supplements (e.g., enzymes, zeolite, and msm,) you will improve your condition dramatically.

Diabetes 1 can be broken down into the two following aspects:

1) Viral conditions of the pancreas (i.e., conventional mass produced dairy products contaminated with viruses that cause diabetes I in children).
2) Genetic weaknesses or a pancreatic disorder that makes it unable to produce insulin properly.

From my perspective, when it comes to health, nothing is impossible. I’m an example myself. If you want to learn more about Diabetes, I urge you to explore the following on natural diabetes cures:

– Watch the movie Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
– Check out Dr. Gabriel Cousens and learn about his Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Arizona at www.treeoflife.nu

Diabetes can be reversed without a doubt. There is no need to succumb your body to expensive medical treatments for the rest of your life. Be open-minded, educate yourself, watch the movie, read the book and you will know more about Diabetes than 99% of the medical community. Start living your life the way it\’s supposed to be. Without diabetes!

Copyright 2011. Boro Petric. All rights reserved.

Source: http://www.longevitystrategist.com/diabetes-cures/

Author Bio: Boro Petric is a highly-acclaimed, Swiss-born Longevity Strategist. He is a pioneer in bridging the body, mind, and Consciousness together through a powerful connection known as Super Health.

Meet Boro at LongevityStrategist.com and download the One FREE ebook that could unlock your supernatural immunity-boosting and healing powers!

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: diabetes cures, diabetes, reversing diabetes, heal diabetes, diabetes diet

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