Early Childhood Education Can Be Critical

Among the many changes in our world over the last several decades, few have been as dramatic as the increased need for early childhood education. Gone are the days when children could delay their education and still hope to be competitive with their peers and others around the world. The fast-paced nature of today\’s economy and the increased use of technology now require an even greater emphasis on educating children at a very young age.

How it happened

In more pastoral times, agrarian cultures and the earliest industrial societies had the luxury of permitting children to focus on play and chores during the earliest days of their lives. Most work was menial, and required more muscle than brainpower. As a result, it was more important that children develop sound bodies than educated minds.

The advent of the computerized age began to change everything. As companies began to rely upon more and more technology to create and service the products they sold, they began to require an ever more educated workforce. The levels of technological expertise required for workplace competitiveness has continued to increase with each passing decade.

Where it begins

For most children, the earliest educational efforts begin in the home. Many parents devote time each day to teaching their children the most basic skills that are needed t ensure success in their later educational endeavors. Beginning at around age three in many parts of the world, various types of preschool programs begin to be made available to young children.

These programs are designed to give these children a head start on critical skills that will be needed when they enter the educational system a few years later. Teachers focus on basic socialization skills, as well as alphabet and numerical recognition exercises designed to familiarize the children with the important elements of language that they will use throughout their lives.

Outside assistance

For many parents, however, these formalized efforts to provide their children with a head start on the educational front are still not enough. Every parent wants his or her child to have every advantage possible to ensure educational success. To meet this demand, many in the private sector have responded with educational programs targeted for young students.

These programs include basic language skills, early math, reading, and even foreign language study. They take a variety of forms, ranging from computer software and internet learning to traditional tutoring programs and other types of formalized instruction. Though the overall benefits of these types of supplemental instruction are not yet fully understood, there can be little doubt that these programs provide at least some advantages to the children who participate in them.

The fact is that the world is not going to become any simpler as time goes by. Increased globalization has forced workers from every part of the world into competition with everyone on the globe. As a result, children need every possible tool available to them if they are to receive the types of skills they need to be competitive in the future. Early childhood education can be one of those critical tools.

Author Bio: The Vinci touch screen for toddlers is not just an iPad for babies, but a new approach to early learning through the use of specially designed apps and advanced technology.

Category: Advice
Keywords: learning,technology,education,babies,toddlers,children,computers, communications,

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