Elimination of Warts With Hypnosis

I would estimate that most people have experienced warts. Those ugly raised blemishes on hands and fingers. As a child I remember being told that toads would give you warts. But as I was only catching frogs, I thought no harm done then. I had three little warts, two on one hand and one on the other. They were not obvious to others and caused me no discomfort. I do remember using an over the counter remedy to try to eliminate the warts but they returned. I do not remember any significant time lapse of being cured from my warts. I remember picking at one, simply because I could but the wart returned to its normal shape and size.

While training to be a hypnotherapist, I was fascinated by the various scripts I had at my disposal and as my husband had warts, I wanted to see what I could do. Ever since I had met my husband he had warts on his fingers with which he visited his family doctor each year for cryotherapy. I decided to do my script on him not really knowing what to expect.

Within a couple of weeks, the warts were gone. Not only were the gone but 8 years later, they have never returned! Here was a prime example of how the mind can divert blood flow and nutrients and in essence starve the warts so they would shrivel and die. Not only were the warts eliminated, the skin was blemishfree and smooth.

Then one day, I noticed that my warts were gone too. I had not done any specific work on myself just the osmosis of information so that my own warts disappeared and have never returned.

No medical removal of warts was necessary just the right instructions to the mind to get rid of the warts completely.

One client who attended for wart removal was particularly memorable. She had the biggest warts on her fingers that I had ever seen. These, in her doctor’s opinion, would require surgery as the warts were dense and wide and cryotherapy would not be effective. Most of her fingers were affected to some degree by these huge warts. She had them for as long as could remember. Warts were now becoming a nuisance (aside from the cosmetic aspect) as two warts on fingers were rubbing against each other. We did one session. Within a few weeks she reported how the smaller warts had gone and the bigger warts were now getting smaller. Within 4 months her hands were blemishfree and she was delighted. This young woman was facing the prospect of surgery to remove her warts but here after only one session of hypnosis with instructions to her subconscious mind, her warts were gone.

For the removal of warts no special instructions are required just playing of your MP3 on a daily basis for 10 days. The results will speak for themselves. With hypnosis, you are accessing the power house of your mind which will take on new instructions as long as it is for your best interests. While one can never claim to “cure” with hypnosis, I think in the case of warts, hypnosis, in my experience, has cured warts.

Author Bio: Zita Stanley is a hypnotherapist in Limerick, Ireland. Zita specialises in anxiety related issues and blushing. She has appeared in print, TV and on radio giving advice on how hypnosis can work for you. For more information visit www.ZitaStanley.com.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Elimination, Warts, Hypnosis

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