Examination Gloves: Picking the Right Type

Roughly 1.7million patients annually in the United States suffer from hospital related infections. Of these cases, 99,000 are fatal. There is no denying that proper hygiene is critical to the success of any medical center, One way in which this is promoted is through the use of examination gloves. Examination gloves act as a barrier between medical professionals and there patients. They serve the dual role of protecting doctors from bacteria that can be transferred through contact with patients, as well protecting patients from bacteria that may be transferred by doctors. Given this important role, making sure the right type of glove is used is critical. Below is a list of the different types of gloves available as well as other factors to look out for.

Glove Options

They’re many different variables relating to examination gloves. The first factor that should be considered is size. Naturally, the gloves are offered in three separate sizes. These are small, medium and large. When stocking a commercial facility, like a hospital, it is necessary to provide each different option to suit the needs of different users. Glove size also may refer to the length of the glove and to what extent it extends up the arm. Typically they will be manufactured to cover the hand or the hand and wrist.

Another key consideration in the selection of examination gloves is the thickness of the product. This factor directly correlates with strength. A thicker glove is less likely to tear and will provide greater protection against chemical agents. However, this comes with the cost of reduced dexterity and sensitivity. It is therefore important to be aware of the gloves use before purchasing.

Glove Materials

Generally speaking, there are three different materials from which gloves are manufactured. Each of these carries it’s own unique benefit as well as cost.

Latex gloves-The glove of choice in the medical profession, latex is the most common material seen throughout hospitals worldwide. This preference for this option is derived mainly from its usability. Latex provides a skin tight fit and somewhat sticky surface. This makes it ideal for surgical procedures where doctors need great dexterity, and a strong grip. The downside of latex is that in many individuals it may cause an allergic reaction.

Vinyl gloves: These are essentially the economical option. They are great for frequent use as they are among the cheapest available, however, they lack in strength. This makes them prone to tearing and therefore unsuitable for procedures like surgery.

Nitrile gloves: Nitrile gloves provide many of the same benefits as latex. They offer superior durability and a sticky outside surface allowing a strong grip. It also offers an even better fit as the material is activated by heat to conform better to the hand.

Synthetic gloves: Synthetic gloves offer a good middle ground. They are composed of a fusion of vinyl and nitrile. This means they are far more durable than typical vinyl; yet still maintain the low price.

Author Bio: Exam Gloves are an essential tool for medical staff to have on hand at all times. Joe Giovinco and his team at Med101 offer free information at http://www.examglovestore.com/

Category: Medical Business
Keywords: exam gloves, exam glove, medical exam gloves

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