Fair Trade Products Make Great Gifts

Not so long ago, we tended to carry on with our day to day shopping and buying our customary products without a second thought as to their origin or their manufacture. However, today we are much more aware of the global market. We know about the trend for large organizations to outsource their production to the countries of the world where there is much cheaper labor and unregulated working conditions. Consumers today are more conscious of social implications and Fair Trade products and eco friendly products are growing in popularity.

The basic aim of the fair Trade movement is to achieve better trading circumstances for producers from the developing countries. Fair Trade aims to deal with the issues of conventional trading which victimizes the poorest and weakest farmers and workers. It requires that sustainable prices are paid to producers for their products. Therefore the products that are most commonly involved are those which are exported from the developing countries including coffee, cocoa, tea, sugar, bananas, cotton and handicrafts.

Fair Trade has many critics and controversies to overcome and some of the regulations and practices need to be standardized but the basic philosophy is sound and as time goes on the movement should become stronger and more powerful. There is a growing list of products being added to the fair Trade label and the demand for the products is steadily growing with the increasing awareness of the label. In fact, sales of these products have increased worldwide by around twenty percent but of course they still only account for a very small percentage of the total goods manufactured around the world. Overall, the quality of these products is very good particular the handicrafts. A consumer will need to pay a little more than the norm for them but most are happy to do so, knowing what it means to the producers. A percentage of the profit from the sales of these goods is directed into the local communities for amenities for educational and medical facilities.

The fair Trade movement promotes only environmentally sound products and uses natural materials and textiles that are sustainable. Protecting the environment is paramount in their practices. Perhaps, when you are looking for your next gift you may consider adding your support to the movement by purchasing a product with a fair Trade label. There are outlets in many major shopping malls around the world that have a selection of items for sale and also there are some online stores.

Why not do little research and you may find the perfect gift or something for yourself. There is a surprising range to choose from including home decor, bags and purses, scarves, stationary, jewelry and toys. It is a great feeling to know that by making a small purchase we are able to contribute to a fairer world for the producers in the under developed nations. We can make a conscious decision to support a movement that is striving for more rights and fairer principles in the world of commerce.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter purchased a couple of fair trade products for his wife and daughter. His wife ordered a couple of eco friendly products for her daughter who is traveling abroad.

Category: Arts and Crafts
Keywords: fair trade products,eco friendly products

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