Fantastic Benefits of Pure Fresh Air, That We Take For Granted

There really are lots of reasons why simple fresh air is so good for our health. But we should not take it for granted. Fact is that after you inhale air through your lungs, your red blood cells boost up the oxygen levels and transmit it to the rest of these cells everywhere in your body.

Then your cells utilise this regular supply of oxygen in its energy output process which we all know is called \’metabolism\’. Because fresh air is vital for your health and general welfare. You need your cells to get enough oxygen so they will be healthy because these cells make up an entire healthy human being.

When you exhale and breathe out via your lungs, you let out airborne toxins from your mouth, and these types of gases are the spin-offs from your body metabolism that is forever taking place in your blood cells.

We do need very fresh and clean air because if you are always breathing in the same old, stale air you are in effect depriving your cells of one of their most basic functions. Of course this is harmful to your general health and well-being as it is so crucial to replace old stale air with fresh, clean air to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Fresh air so important because a regular supply of fresh, clean and dust free air is very important as a steady supply of oxygen is needed by your brain to process thoughts, and every single cell of your body needs it to survive. Do not stay in a closed in area for long periods of time or you will end up inhaling in the same air repeatedly.

This is due to the oxygen content of the air that will go down continually as you exhale out carbon dioxide and other waste air. But breathing this stale air will not provide your body with enough oxygen to keep your cells properly nourished and functioning in the required manner.

Fresh air is full of negative ions, has a generous amount of oxygen and is totally free of unhealthy pollutants. Luckily for us this is refreshing and will give your body a little boost. Normally, oxygen carries a negative charge, while carbon dioxide has the opposite, a positive charge. Consequently, air with a higher density of oxygen will be far more negatively charged than air with a plentiful amount of carbon dioxide.

Obviously the freshest possible air is outdoors with nature itself such as near plants, trees and other living vegetation. It is also in abundance near running water like lakes, rivers, waterfalls, seas and at the beach. But what about the real life benefits of fresh air, and who really needs this type of fresh air? Well it seems that we all need it.

Maybe you are feeling down or are suffering from any kind of illness or depression, then fresh air is even more important for you to gain strength and heal the parts that are not so healthy. But while your body is healing and repairing, you might be getting rid of more toxins into the air than someone who does not have any health problems at all. So it is very important that you do not breathe in any stale or \’used\’ air.

Other health benefits of fresh air.
Fresh air helps to raise the rate and quality of growth in plants and animals and also helps the respiratory tract of your lungs to expand more fully and aids the cleansing activity of your lungs. Importantly, it improves your heart rate, blood pressure, metabolic rate, helps your immune system fend off illness more effectively. Calms your nerves and leaves you feeling fresh and relaxed. Digest your food more effectively if you take a walk outside after you eat a meal.

Sleep better and improve your concentration. Fresh air also helps your body to lose impurities in your system and helps to kill bacteria and viruses in the atmosphere and polluted air cannot perform this function. You can see how much fresh air does for us and why it should not be taken for granted, as it\’s one of the main commodities that we really cannot do without.

Author Bio: Keep your Home Healthy and fresh with a Quality H.E.P.A. Vacuum Cleaner that also Purifies Your Indoor Air. The Hoover Xarion TAV1620 Review is a great example on

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

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