Fight Acne With Nopalea Juice

Every day researchers are discovering more and more aches and pains and even serious conditions that can be linked to inflammation. There is also a connection between an outbreak of acne – really inflammation as the body’s defense to protect the skin from bacteria – and a remedy by drinking Nopalea Juice.

While acne is no longer just for adolescents, it seems like younger people are more damaged emotionally and psychologically by an outbreak of this painful condition. Teens tend to worry more about what others think and have not yet established a firm confident self-identity. Part of this is because their hormones are going crazy, which in turn, can also spark a breakout. While an adult can brush off an acne outbreak and realize it is a temporary condition, teenagers are living moment to moment and feel that everything is a make or break situation.

A young man or woman’s parents can spend a fortune trying out different products that might stomp out the acne, and even turn to prescription drugs, but too many products end up being ineffective and some prescription medications have super scary side effects that no parent wants to expose a child to.

Instead, parents should consider trying an all-natural remedy by having their teenager drink Nopalea Juice. This juice is made from the prickly pear cactus and is all natural. It is sweetened with Agave nectar and contains a plethora of fruit extracts and concentrates. The main ingredient (outside of water) however, is the prickly pear cactus.

This plant, a native of the Sonoran desert, is a natural inflammation fighter.
In fact, researchers have been praising the plants ability to not only fight inflammation, but to act as a natural anti-oxidant.

With that knowledge, it is perfectly logical that drinking Nopalea could help with acne outbreaks. This is because inflammation is the body’s first response to bacterial invaders. When bacteria invade the skin, the body rushes to fight the invaders with white blood cells and inflammation.

While inflammation is one of the body’s most powerful tools, it can sometimes go haywire and not go away or turn off when the job is done. When that happens, the inflammation is considered a chronic condition. This is the point where scientists worry that the inflammation could lead to conditions that are more serious.

About a decade ago, a cover story in Time made a connection between chronic inflammation and diseases and ailments such as arthritis and even colon cancer.

Drinking Nopalea Juice might be one way to stop inflammation in its tracks. At least one teenager has written to Nopalea’s parent company, Trivita, to praise the juice and share his experience of finally ridding his body of acne. He attributes his success with drinking Nopalea Juice.

The boy said that he began breaking out as a 13-year-old and within two years had tried just about every recommended acne-fighting regimen out there.

He did everything he was supposed to and even tried prescription remedies, to no avail. On a whim, he tried drinking the juice and within a week, his face began to lose some redness. Within a month, he saw a dramatic difference.

He claims that the juice has changed his life for the better.

Author Bio: Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about Nopal Cactus Benefits for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study how Nopalea contains amazing properties that help with all kinds of joint pain, including swollen ankles. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: thumb joint pain, pain relief, swollen knee, nopal cactus benefits, joint pain, general nopalea

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