Five Great Cultural Attractions You Can Enjoy When in Pattaya

Pattaya first gained prominence in the world tourism scene as one of the best destinations for beach lovers of all ages, with some of the globe’s most beautiful beaches such as the Pattaya Bay Area, one of Asia’s largest beach resorts. People soon realized, however, that the city had more to offer than simply sand and surf and was also home to some of Thailand’s most significant cultural and natural attractions. Here is a small sampling of some of these must-see destinations.

1.The Sanctuary of Truth has become a magnet for spiritual seekers from all over the globe. The temple-like building is made entirely of teak wood and its highest point rises 105 meters into the sky. Approaching the Sanctuary, tourists will soon notice that every square inch of the structure is covered with carved wooden sculptures inspired by traditional Hindu and Buddhist motifs which make it a perfect place for meditation and reflection.

2.Vihrana Sen (the Pavilion of Chinese Immortals) is renowned for its rich collection of Chinese art that includes terracotta warriors that once stood guard over the tomb of emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first ruler of the state of Qin, as well as 60 granite sculptures from Kwangtung province that include the Baxian (Eight Immortals) of Buddhist legend. But the standout attraction is undoubtedly the two giant stone lions, measuring 3.5 meters in height and with a weight of 22 tons, that are reportedly among the world’s largest.

3.The Pattaya Floating Market is a can’t-miss destination for tourists who would like to experience authentic Thai food and culture. The Four Regions Floating Market, as it is also known, features more than 100 shops and water vendors selling handicrafts, indigenous art and food from the four major parts of Thailand – north, central, northeast and south. Visitors can hire a boat for around 30 minutes to take them around the market. In addition, tourists can also enjoy the four free cultural shows that are held daily.

4.The Elephant Village was opened in 1973 as a sanctuary for retired working elephants that are too domesticated to be released back to the wild. Visitors to the sanctuary can enjoy seeing the elephants wander around the village freely or watch the 90-minute elephant show. You can also combine the elephant show with other options such as a 60-minute elephant trekking tour or bamboo rafting on the river.

5.The Sri Racha Tiger Zoo offers visitors the unique opportunity of seeing Bengal tigers co-exist in harmony with dogs and pigs, due to the zoo’s one-of-a-kind tiger breeding program that sees mother pigs suckle tiger cubs next to their own young. You can even interact with the cubs as well as a variety of other wildlife such as single-hump camels, kangaroos and ostriches. There are also pig, crocodile and tiger shows as well as an Elephant Museum that hosts a collection of life-sized elephant figures ranging from extinct species such as the woolly mammoth to war elephants used in ancient Thailand. And if you happen to be in Pattaya from May to August, you can attend the Crocodile Egg-Breaking Festival, during which baby crocodiles hatch from their shells.

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Category: Travel
Keywords: Pattaya

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