Flirting Know How

Flirting is one of the small pleasures in life. Any true Pickup artist knows this.

It brings a smile to someone’s face and if it is done correctly, both people leave the encounter feeling better about themselves. Flirting sometimes gets a bad rap because some people confuse flirting with overt sexual overtures. That’s not to say that flirting doesn’t sometimes metamorphous into this, but that is not what flirting is necessarily about.

When you flirt, you are essentially making someone else feel good about themselves. You do this by sharing your joy of life and your appreciation of that person with them. You might flirt with an older woman because you acknowledge that she is wise in eh ways of the world and that makes her sexy. It doesn’t mean you want to date her; you are just appreciating this quality about her. You might flirt with the clerk at the market because she is a hard working mom and you respect her for what she does and want to bring a little sunshine into her day.

Flirting, when done correctly, is nonthreatening and does not contain any promises that anything will happen outside or after the flirting encounter.

Flirting means a smile. Flirting might mean letting the woman go before you in line. Flirting could mean an appreciate look as a beautiful woman walks by. In all its forms, flirting is really about acknowledging something unique about someone else.

It’s taking the time to see them as a person, not just one of the masses. If you want to effectively flirt, you also need to realize that a lot of flirting has to do with body language. It is more the way you hold yourself than what you say. It is more about the look in your eyes then the words you are using.

A good flirt is not the guy with the girlfriend who keeps ogling other women. Rather, a good flirt is the guy at the restaurant with his wife who smiles and makes the server feel appreciated in that moment. IT is something that can and should be done in front of your significant other. Remember there is nothing promised in a good flirt, it is just about appreciating that person in that exact moment.

Here are ways you can add a little flirting to your life. Here\’s How To Flirt:

– Buy the drink of the woman in line behind you at the coffee shop

– Smile at women passing by

– Hold the door open for women and/or let them enter first

– Engage in banter and small talk with the women who help you out on a daily basis, such as the clerk at the market or the bookstore

– Make eye contact with women and give them appreciate, but nonthreatening glances of approval

These are just a few ideas to get you started. If you really want to flirt, you can think about this: I’m a man, she’s a woman, and it is natural for me to express appreciation for her, whether it is with eye contact or a smile or a compliment. Then go do it.

Author Bio: Bill has been at PUA Forum for the last 7 years in NYC and can teach you the skills you need to be one, as well, including how to text a girl. The original article can be found here: Flirting Know How .

Category: Dating
Keywords: where to meet women, how to pick up women, how to find a girlfriend, pua forum

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