Give a Gift For no Reason

With Fathers Day\’s passage, there are no more mandatory gift giving days until the Christmas season (excluding birthdays, anniversaries and other personal occasions). This is a great time to give what can be the best gift of them all – a gift for no reason.

Mandatory gift giving is great. Obviously devastating feelings can be created if someone doesn\’t receive a birthday or anniversary gift or a holiday gift. These gifts only meet expectations and while the gift itself may be a surprise, the recipient knows that something is coming. Sometimes the best gifts are those given for no other reason than reminding a person how special they are to you.

Most people have several loved ones in their lives. They are people you turn to in a crisis and who you know would be there to support you no matter what. These are the people we most cherish but often take for granted. Days or weeks might pass when we forget to say \”thank you\” or \”I love you.\” A gift is a great way to communicate these messages. A tiny token of appreciation or a present out of the blue lets a person know you are thinking about him or her and that their presence in your life is something special. If you communicate with someone primarily through email or letters, think how much nicer it would be to send that person a surprise gift every once in a while. Technology has made the world more impersonal. Gift giving is a perfect way to combat that.

Not only is gift giving for no reason exciting for the gift recipient, it makes the gift giver feel wonderful, too. Imagine how you would feel if, out of the blue, your spouse, your child or a friend showed up with a present for you. The present is for no other reason than to let you know that you have been on that person\’s mind. You would feel pretty special and it would likely put a positive spin on your day. As the gift giver, you get the satisfaction of knowing you have made someone else feel that way. By giving a gift for no reason you are brightening an otherwise average day. That has to feel pretty good. Both the giver and receiver feel better about themselves, about the day and about their relationship. A gift for no reason is a reminder of how special the people in our lives are and how important it is to let them know you care.

It is always best to choose a gift based on the recipients likes, dislikes, hobbies and passions. Choosing a gift that is tailored to the recipient is one of the things that make a gift for no reason so special. You could give flowers or candy or something generic, but a customized gift is even better. This shows that you spent some time thinking about what that person would like most and that you made an effort to find something special.

If you know your loved one has had his or her eye on something for awhile, it would make a perfect gift. Maybe he or she has been saving up for something or a particular item is just not in the budget at the moment. Put aside a luxury or two of your own and spend the money on the gift. Maybe your spouse wants to spruce up a room in your home. By skipping an expensive cup of coffee for a couple of weeks maybe you can help out with a home decor or garden item. Not only are you showing that your spouse is on your mind, you are also expressing how you feel about the home the two of you share and your desire to make it a personal, well-kept space.

Gift giving is always fun, no matter the occasion. However, choosing a gift out of the blue just because you are thinking of someone is a special treat. Not only does the recipient get the exciting surprise of an unexpected gift, you get to feel the joy and satisfaction of helping someone you care about feel great. You might even decide gift giving for no reason is even more rewarding than exchanging gifts in expected circumstances.

With online shopping finding unique and personalized gifts to give for no reason is easier than ever.

Author Bio: Don Oppenheim\’s son operates an online store that specializes in the sale of unique gifts and hard to find items for home decor. For a complete selection please visit Unique Gifts and Decor.

Category: Advice
Keywords: unique gifts, gift ideas, gifts, gifts for her, gifts for him

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