Grammar Checking Software That Works Harder For You

For years, grammar checking software was notoriously unreliable. Then it got better, but still made too many mistakes. But if you\’re one of those people who needs a grammar proofreader — and many of us are — you need reliable grammar checking software that you can count on.

Grammar checking software that\’s inaccurate is pointless — it leads users to a false sense of security, and it misleads the very people who wouldn\’t know if they or the software have made a grammatical error. Grammarly grammar checking software finally provides end users with the accuracy they need — it\’s far more reliable than past grammar checking software. And in addition to checking grammar, it checks punctuation and for style issues such as passive voice, dangling modifiers and faulty parallelism.

And it has a more reliable spell-checker than other grammar checking software, too. It not only checks for correct spelling, but it catches words that are spelled correctly but that are contextually wrong. For example, \”I told the customer to have a seat over their\” uses the wrong word. It should be \”there.\” Another spell-checker would let that slip through, thus leaving a usage error that will raise the eyebrow of anyone\’s instructor, supervisor or prospective employer.

A big step forward in grammar checking technology, Grammarly also helps end users to cite correctly. Citing research and sources is tedious work, and it\’s easy to get it wrong. All those little punctuation points aren\’t as predictable as they are in a regular passage of writing. Even seasoned scholars find themselves going back to the style guide time and again. The program allows you to check off the style you need to use — MLA, APA and others.

High school students, college students and employees put their grades and jobs at risk if they dismiss grammar with comments such, \”Oh, they\’ll know what I mean.\” You have to get it right or get a lower grade, maybe even a failing grade, or get a poor review at work. No successful company wants unclear interior communications circulating, and they certainly don\’t want ungrammatical, unclear communications going out into the world.

Think you can count on a secretary to catch errors for you? Those days are gone. Most managers and executives no longer have their own secretaries. But now you can let Grammarly grammar checking software step in where your secretary or teacher might have helped you out. With Grammarly\’s nifty text editor, you don\’t need to move in and out of different programs, making self-editing easy.

Savvy bloggers also use Grammarly. With it, they avoid sloppy content and silly errors. If you plan to use your blog or social network page as a stepping stone toward a better job, better publications or better freelance assignments, you literally can\’t afford those kinds of mistakes. Better yet, it works even if you write directly into the blog template, because Grammarly is a web-based, subscription application — a valuable innovation that not only allows users to write online, but that gives easy access to updates and improvements.

With Grammarly, you can also prevent inadvertent plagiarism — a disastrous error that can tarnish your reputation and earn you an \”F,\” or worse. At best it earns you a reputation for intellectual sloppiness. If you\’re blogging, you probably already now that you have to avoid duplicate content, or Google will rank your page low, if at all. Grammarly has its own easy-to-use plagiarism checker and tells you if it detects duplicate content.

By searching its built-in thesaurus, Grammarly also suggests synonyms, helps users to broaden their vocabulary and to make more elegant choices. Combine those benefits with Grammarly\’s more than 150 grammar checks, and you become a more stylish writer who never sounds repetitious or unsophisticated. All together, Grammarly is not only grammar checking software, it\’s a grammar coach. You will learn as you use it, and make fewer and fewer mistakes.

Grammarly is trusted by the pickiest of end users: universities. George Mason University, University of South Carolina, University of California at Davis and other respected institutions use Grammarly. With this highly reliable grammar checking software, you no longer need to worry about comma splices, run-on sentences, subject-verb agreement and other errors, not to mention having access to all its other benefits. It\’s far more worthy and accurate than older grammar checking software, and that makes it entirely worthwhile.

Author Bio: Make Grammarly A Routine In Your Writing!

Category: Education
Keywords: grammar checking software

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