Great Planting Combination Ideas For Your Garden

Gardens comprise a medley of plants, from herbaceous perennials to shrubs, trees, annuals, biennials, bulbs, ferns and grasses. They look good on their own, but when planted in attractive groups they are even better. Selecting plants that form attractive partnerships with each other requires careful thought. For example, if they are flowering plants they must create their displays at the same time. Equally, one plant should not dominate and eventually suffocate its neighbour. There are many exciting combinations of plants and by choosing them carefully \’mix-and-match\’ displays can be created throughout the year.

In spring
– Plant the bulbous, blue-flowered Muscari armeniacum (grape hyacinth) in large drifts under the deciduous, slow-growing tree Magnolia stellata (star magnolia) which bears white, star-like, fragrant flowers.

– Plant purple-blue forms of the bulbous, large-flowered Dutch crocuses around the deciduous shrub Ribessanguineum \’King Edward VII\’ (flowering currant), with deep crimson flowers.

– Plant golden forms of Dutch crocuses around the evergreen shrub Ribes laurifolium, which bears pendent, greenish-yellow flowers. This combination is ideal for a large rock garden.

– Plant the bulbous, sky-blue-flowered Chionodoxa sardensis (glory of the snow) around the white-flowered Rhododendron \’Bric-a-brac\’ Group. This arrangement is also ideal for a rock garden.

Early summer
– In a corner of a woodland garden plant the fragrant, yellow-flowered Rhododendron luteum with a sea of bluebells in front.

– Plant the rose-purple flowered Erica australis (Spanish heath) in front of the yellow-flowered Ulexeuropaeus \’Plenus\’ (gorse). This is an ideal arrangement where the gorse is used as a boundary.

– Plant hardy, dwarf, deciduous azaleas in colors including red, pink, apricot and orange under the outer extremes of the branches of the yellow-flowered, deciduous tree, Laburnum anagyroides (golden rain).

– Plant the bulbous Lilium candidum (Madonna lily), with white, trumpet-shaped flowers and golden pollen, with the hardy biennial Digitalis purpurea (foxglove). The addition of Meconopsiscambrica (Welsh poppy), a hardy perennial with bright

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