History of Rosen Method Massage

Most of us today are engulfed with lots of conditions due to the stress and fatigue we encounter each day. When given less importance, they will try to get your attention by triggering other various issues in our physical and mental condition. However, thanks to the development of the different types of massage therapies, these conditions can be treated in just a matter of few massage therapy sessions.

Rosen method massage is one of the forms of light and gentle bodywork technique which is known as a somatic type of therapy. The method used is more on touch therapy rather than using massage strokes and various techniques to stimulate and manipulate the body. Although it may seem quite unbelievable, the therapy is proven to provide effective results and benefits to both the body and mind of the client. Body and breath examination is usually done with the therapist’s hand on the patient’s body in a “listening” process.

This type of therapy works best in treating mental and emotional issues such as anxiety, depression, hatred, bad mood, lack of self-esteem, lack of awareness of wellness, and other problems with the mind. However, the technique is not only limited to the psychological treatment of the patient as it is also impressive in relieving various physical conditions.

Marion Rosen was a Jewish breath and physical therapy specialist who studied breath and relaxation methods in Munich, Germany in the 1930s. Her studies were later on put into actual experimentations with her friend and colleague Lucy Heyer. Both of them conducted actual studies on patients who were into psychological therapy. Their goal was to provide studies and results to the research on whether physical therapy would actually have good effects and benefits to the patient’s mental and emotional condition prior to the psychological therapy. After several therapies with their patients, they found out that the therapies they’ve conducted were successful. This led them to believe that emotions and the physical body are interconnected.

Rosen was forced to move to the United States due to the growing conflict in Europe within the German and Jewish race. While staying there, she began to improve her massage technique which focuses on targeting the release of tension and negative emotions within the body of the client. Her therapy sessions usually include the talking of the client during the therapy which helps a lot with the release of emotions. She was amazed with the serious facts that emotions do really affect the physical condition of the client during and after the therapeutic massage. This fascination eventually turned to the development and enhancement of the Rosen method massage which was introduced to the public in the 70s and was also taught in the institute she started.

Today, we enjoy the Rosen method massage not only because of its therapeutic benefits and effects on our body but also as a form of relaxation massage. During the therapy session, any patient can expect to experience a soothing and calming feeling due to the gentle and encouraging method of the therapy.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stones supplies provider. They carry products such as basalt stones, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stones basalt stones

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