How Does Singapore Physiotherapist Treat and Prevent Sport Injuries?

Physiotherapist in Singapore treat sports injuries and help you by prevent injury during exercise. There are many sports which may cause injuries and leads to many acute and chronic pains such as lower back pain, arthritis, shoulder stiffness, muscle strain, ankle sprains. You must seek physiotherapy help early when you suspect you have a sport injury. A physiotherapist will rehabilitate you with pain relief treatment and therapeutic exercise to help you get to your best physical condition before back to sports. Ensure you find a good sports physiotherapist who is experienced and patience in helping in rehabilitation of the athletes.

How sports rehabilitation is performed in a Singapore Sports Physiotherapy Clinic?
First, the physiotherapist will do assessment and diagnose the sports injuries and pain before doing any treatment. There are many different types of pain relief treatment or therapy exercise. A physiotherapist is also able to operate on sports medicine machines like the ultrasound therapy, electrical muscles stimulation. This is to help to relief pain and stimulate the muscles to reduce tightness and faster healing. Using sports massage therapy could help in relieving the muscles tightness and relieve the tension in the body or the injured area.

Once pain is stopped, next therapy goal is to help in strengthening and conditioning of weak or tight muscles. Depending on the seriousness of the sport injury, physiotherapy will plan which is the most effective exercise is suitable for the athlete to improve on its mobility and strength. By using simple fitness equipment like resistance band and light weights or even gym machines, back to sports is accelerated with strength of muscles. The physiotherapist will then gradually improve on the intensity and the difficulties of the exercise depending on the recovery rate of the athlete condition.

Sports injuries can occur during sports training, competition or even normal exercise. The physiotherapist will help to get the athletes back into condition and maximise the sports performance to a higher level. Many sports teams in Singapore have a physiotherapist to ensure injuries are treated immediately and faster recovery. Physiotherapists also have a great knowledge in sports injuries prevention and can help to minimize sports injuries by educating proper exercising technique during sports practices and individual training. Athletes or people who keen on starting exercise will not overlooking on the safety and injured in their sports or exercise.

Besides sport injury treatment, nowadays people in Singapore are also engaging physiotherapist like a personal rehabilitation trainer for injury prevention like correct stretching, core strengthening and proprioceptive exercise. Very commonly seen, golf players having a back pain in a golf competition , a physiotherapist will help you to relief back pain, reduce muscle tightness and strengthen your weak back muscles. Also in improving your golf swing to a champion in golf competition.

This is how physiotherapists treat and prevent sports injuries in Singapore. There are more people playing competitive sports, more people starting out exercises, therefore injuries may occur. There must be injuries prevention before the sports injuries will affect your career or sports. A physiotherapist will be there for you in Singapore Physioclinic.


Author Bio: Michelle Kwong Best Physiotherapist in Singapore treating Sports Injuries

Category: Sports
Keywords: physiotherapy, sport injuries, singapore physiotherapist, pain treatment

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