How to Attract Women Naturally

Women are biologically programmed to seek out and be attracted to men who demonstrate characteristics of a provider. This isn’t to say that every woman wants to be taken care of. This is just a factor that lies behind their attraction to certain men.

Even the most independent, competent, capable woman will be more attracted to someone who shows he is a provider, then a man who shows he is weak. This is why most PUA\’s study just what women want.

This is why it is important to cultivate and develop traits and characteristics in Attracting Women that let others know you are a capable man who can not only take care of himself, but can take care of others.

Here are some traits that reveal this to women and that are worth seeking out and emulating:

Self-Confidence. Let’s face it, men who are insecure come off as weak and needy and someone who needs to be cared for instead of a man who is a provider.

Decisiveness. If you can’t make a decision quickly, this reflects poorly on you as a man. You need to do everything in your power to fight this type of wishy-washy behavior. Learn to trust your judgment and instincts and you will better be able to make a decision quickly and be confident in that choice.

Health and Self Care. If you don’t get enough sleep, drink too much, are overweight and dress like a slob, this shows that you can’t even be trusted to take care of yourself, nonetheless to care for someone else. This is a big turn off to women.

Sloth. If you don’t have a job and/or don’t have any ambition, this just shows that a woman would be idling in stagnant water if she decided to spend time with you. Have some goals and get a fire under you if you want women to be attracted to you.

Morals. If you sleep with every girl who looks your way or if you think that cheating and stealing are okay, a woman is probably going to recognize this from a mile away. Women want to be with men they can trust. She doesn’t want to have to worry about how you are going to act. She will not trust her heart or body with you unless you demonstrate that you have good values and that her feelings will be in good hands.

Passion. If you aren’t passionate about anything, then you are a bore. Women won’t stick around a guy who has shown zero passion for anything in his life. They may be seeking a provider-type guy, but that doesn’t mean they want a stick in the mud. Women want a guy who cannot only ignite their passion, but has his own interests and hobbies.

These are just a few traits and characteristics that are worth developing or enhancing if you really want to be considered a catch in the overall dating game. They don’t take money or a nice car, but they do take some time and possibly some behavior modification, but will be more than worth the energy you expend.

Author Bio: Bill has been an expert at PUA Forum for the last 7 years in NYC and can teach you the skills you need to be a PUA, including how to Meet Women. The original article can be found here: How To Attract Women Naturally.

Category: Dating
Keywords: how to text a girl, how to flirt, where to meet women, how to talk to women, pick up forum

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