How to Choose the Right Fire Safe For Your Home

Where a residential locksmith will keep your family safe with installing locks, a fireproof safe will help you if there is a fire in your home. Because there are a number of important documents and items that will be essential to keep safe at all costs, you will need to look over some important factors to ensure that you get the most out of them. On top of documents, you may consider keeping other items inside of this fireproof safe to help ensure that they remain safe in the event of a fire. Consider items like heirlooms, family pictures and similar items to be good choices for putting inside of the safe. Additionally, it is good to have your homeowner\’s insurance policy and documents proving home ownership inside of this safe.

Perhaps a good way to determine which safe is best for you is to understand that each safe has a rating that is associated with it. This should help you to determine which ones will be the best for you. To begin with you will want to look at the UL72. This model is what most people use for drop safes and deposit items. The maximum temperature it will reach internally is below 72 degrees.

Typically, the highest rated and most recommended safe is the UL125. This will keep internal temperatures to just below 125 degrees and will keep USB drives, hard drives and other items safe in the mix.

Some items can be kept in a safe that maintains 150 degrees and for that you might consider using the UL150 safe. Typically film, pictures and similar items will survive well in this item. In addition, the UL350 will keep items such as paper safe at less than 350 degrees.

It is important that you understand that these temperatures and durability of the safes will only last so long. While you can find inexpensive safes that will protect your items for up to 2 hours, there is something you might not be aware of. While a fire can be put out in a room in under 2 hours, there is still heat transference in play. In some cases, this can make your overall product impossible to open even if the flames went out in a single hour.

Other important factors to look for are how well it is rated for burglary. In some cases, you can get a solid safe that can be easily cracked. Your goal should be to find one that if a fire happens, your residential locksmith can open it, but it should be difficult for anyone else should have a difficult time. Along with this, make sure it is rust proof. You after all will be dealing with water if there is a fire in your home.

Remember the purpose of a residential safe is to keep your items secure no matter the event. Make sure you get an appropriate rating for the items you place in it and verify that it is both burglar and rust proof at the same time.

Author Bio: As has been illustrated there are many things to consider when buying a safe for your home. The key is finding a place that you can compare different safes and different price ranges. To view a wide selection of safes online check out Fireproof Safes.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: fire safe, fireproof safe, home safe, residential fire safe

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