How to Craft a Proper Argument

This what most writers ask, how to craft a proper argument? Seriously, arguments can really mean a lot in your writing and it has an important role to make your writing effective and convincing. But without the correct way of how to write it, you’ll end up creating a very weak and uninteresting content which will be hard in your part to convince your readers.

Arguments may have a significant role in writing but only a few knows how to write it well. Honestly, it is really hard to write arguments without knowing how you are going to use it in your topic. But, if you planned it well and you have an idea how each of your arguments will stand out in your contents, you need to be very careful enough that you are doing the exact thing like most expert writers do.

A stronger argument can be written poorly by those who don’t even know how to craft it. On the other hand, even a single yet poorly written argument can contribute greatly in your writing if you know how to shape it up.

Either ways, you don’t have to bury your skills in writing and squander your arguments all of a sudden just because you don’t know how to write it well. If you have any problems how to write an argument correctly and effectively, let me tell how to do it.

Finding an argument to write your paper around need not to be an especially trying moment. You only need an argument, after all, not the greatest point of contention since the right to suffrage. Sure, many students panic when crafting one. Luckily, that doesn’t mean you have to.

If you’ve done the legwork of doing research and creating a basic outline of the topic, finding an argument is usually just a matter of seeking out potential points of disagreement in the area and taking a side. It’s even especially easier when you’ve got a specific assignment question to work with. Just pick a response, based on the research you’ve made, and run with it.

In case you find yourself stalling or drawing a blank, the “cubing” method outlined below can help. Make sure to write down your thoughts (you may or may not use a grammar checking software, since it’s for your eyes only) – merely thinking the activities usually doesn’t produce results.

1. Describe the subject.

2. Make an analogy of the subject with something familiar.

3. Associate it with something familiar.

4. Analyze it, using stuff from your research as basis.

5. Apply it. That means making a mind map of the topic or trying to teach it someone (by writing it down).

6. Argue with it. Create an argument that either supports the topic or goes against it.

In doing the above exercises, you will usually notice some significant ideas coming out. If you recognize one that you find useful, latch onto it and see how it works as an argument for your piece.

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Category: Writing
Keywords: grammar checking software, arguments, argument writing, writing strong arguments

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