How To Develop Your Body With The Resistance Band Exercises?

Resistance training is a special type of training that requires the use of resistance to train the large muscle groups. The equipment used for resistance training includes free weights, exercise machines and elastic bands. You can also use your own body weight to train your muscles. Examples include exercises such as Push-Ups and Pull-Ups.

You can reap a variety of benefits from resistance training exercises. First of all, they help increase the size and strength of your muscles. Strenuous workouts put stress on muscles, thus leading to damaged muscle fibers and tendons. In the days following the resistance training session, the fibers repair and become bigger in size. Therefore, it is important to keep in your mind that rest days are as important as the exercise itself. Make sure that you perform 3 resistance training sessions a week to give your body enough time to recover and grow. If your goal is to reduce weight, then you should perform aerobic exercises in the alternate days.

Second of all, resistance training workouts improve body shape and promote a firm and sculpted physique. Moreover, they help increase muscle strength and muscle power. Another benefit of performing resistance training exercises is that they increase metabolic rate and help shed accumulated fat from your body. They help to maintain healthy bone mass and prevent against the risks of numerous bone diseases especially osteoporosis and arthritis.

Resistance band exercises are used by a variety of gym trainers and fitness practitioners- both for muscle strength and injury prevention. Resistance training bands can also be used to work the major muscle groups of your body simultaneously. Resistance Band Squats is a magnificent resistance training exercise that strengthens and develops your shoulders, biceps, thighs and hamstrings.

In order to start this exercise, step on the resistance band with your both feet hip-width apart, holding the resistance band at shoulder level with both hands. Next step is to lower your body and then push it up through heels while holding the band at shoulder height. This will make your upper as lower body to work against the force of resistance. Perform 3-4 sets of 10 reps each.

It makes a good idea to perform resistance band exercises in the supervision of a qualified fitness trainer. Not only will he or she guide you on how to use a resistance band with a perfect technique, but he will also suggest you a combination of free-weights and resistance band exercises to improve the size and strength of your skeletal muscles. Another benefit is that he will suggest you a balanced dietary plan keeping in view your age, body weight, fitness level and training needs.

It is also important that you consume diets that are rich in protein and complex carbohydrates after resistance band exercises. Protein contains branched chain amino acids that help in muscle growth and repair. Moreover, protein also helps you achieve very high levels of muscle mass and stamina. Rich dietary sources of protein include whole grains, nuts, fish, turkey, chicken, cereals, pulses, legumes, green leafy vegetables, fruits and fortified foods.

Author Bio: Guy Long offers Personal Training in Prahran and runs Health Clubs in Melbourne where he specializes in resistance training, body transformation, weight control, and overall muscular strength for local residents.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: resistance training, resistance band exercises, gym, personal trainer, fat loss, health, fitness

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