How to Employ Temporary Foreign Workers

Employers who wish to employ temporary foreign workers have many regulations to comply with. In addition, several government agencies are involved and the legal process may take some time. The first priority is to approach the Labor Department for certification. This certification is only approved if the prospective employer can motivate the employment of the applicant above the employment of a citizen.

The next step is to approach the immigration authorities for the issuing of a visa. This process can only be initiated once the certification has been approved by the Labor Department. However, the mere fact that certification has been approved does not guarantee that a visa will be issued. Applicants still have to comply with the many regulations governing entry.

While many employers feel that the regulations pertaining to the employment of non citizens are too onerous and that the process is too lengthy, the government argues that it is important to protect its citizens and to ensure that they receive priority in the employment process. Regulations also aim to ensure that fair labor practice is applied when non citizens are employed. Most countries have similar regulations in place.

In certain circumstances the process can be bypassed. Eminent scholars, for example, are often granted the necessary approvals for work purposes. In many cases, international research efforts also require the issuing of permits to non citizens for short periods of time. In other cases, academic institutions require the services of experts for a semester or two. In all these cases it is possible to gain fast approval.

There are also several government approved programs that make provision for people from other countries to work legally. Youth programs, especially, cater for young people from all over the world to take part in cultural exchange programs and to gain work experience. Many summer camps and farms employ young people for a season. Students that require work experience as part of their formal training programs also qualify.

Unfortunately, illegal employment is rife. Many companies provide work to non citizens in order to bypass laws that govern fair labor practices. These workers are often abused and underpaid. They are expected to work long hours and they do not enjoy the benefits of legally employed workers. Because these people are often desperate, they are too scared to complain or to take action.

The whole issue of employment remains one that is riddled with controversy. On the one hand there are those that argue that employers should be able to make use of cheaper labor and that the process to gain official approval should be streamlined. On the other hand there are those that argue that the protection of citizens should remain the highest priority.

There can be very little doubt that there will always be opportunities for temporary foreign workers. In many cases, this type of work is purely seasonal, not permanent. Many people from all over the world enjoy the opportunity to earn some income while touring another country. When working with other people, cultural exchange is often achieved, leaving all parties enriched.

Author Bio: Looking to hire a Canada foreign worker? Providing a wide range of resources in our foreign worker agency, we can help your company hire and train a foreign worker in Canada today.

Category: Jobs
Keywords: career, employment, jobs, temps, international, worker, citizenship, skills, workers, industry

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