How to Keep Your Garden Safe From Pests

If you are a gardener, you know how often your vegetables and flowers are exposed to danger. One minute your garden is flourishing and the next, it has been trampled, munched and destroyed by a variety of pests. Animals are going to do what they need to do to get food and if there is a delicious bed of crunchy vegetables or sweet flowers, they will think they have hit the jackpot. If you live in a rural area, you might be dealing with larger pests. Using deer repellent or planting deer repellent plants is one of the best strategies to prevent problems. Surrounding your garden with marigolds is a natural, attractive way to prevent problems with pets. It will add color to the area and the scent will drive away pests who would otherwise go to town munching on your vegetables and flowers. In addition to larger pests, you might also be battling smaller animals and pests, too.

A very effective way to prevent pests from accessing your garden is to use nets. Netting prevents all sorts of medium and larger size pests from getting to your garden. It is especially useful for birds, but you might need to detangle the occasional infiltrator who braves the dangers to reach your garden and the food inside of it. Netting does little to prevent bugs from getting to your garden, but the larger pests will be thwarted.

Another option is to lift your garden so the majority of pests cannot reach it. Birds and climbing pests will still have access, but creatures that are primarily ground-dwelling will not bother with climbing to reach your garden. You can lift your garden by making a raised bed out of wood and soil. This also helps to prevent weeds because you are adding your own clean soil. The weeds that are rooted deep into the ground will be less likely to grow into a raised bed garden. Though this will not solve all of your pest problems, it is another method for reducing them.

There are sprays that help reduce the risk of pests and they are very effective. In some cases, you can make your own or have the treatments professionally applied. Sprays are typically most helpful in avoiding small pests like bugs, but the scent might result in larger pests turning away,too.

The important thing to remember with sprays is that you will be eating anything you spray if you spray it on edible garden items. There are safe sprays that do no damage to your garden, nor does it cause harm if you eat it. You can spray natural items that will repel pests, but which will do no damage to your health. Vinegar is a great repellent for pests because the smell is so potent, but it does little to hurt your health or the vegetables. As a matter of fact, the vinegar might even add some flavor to some of your veggies. If you are more concerned about flower beds than you are about vegetable gardens, the heavy duty sprays might be effective. Just be sure you are spraying a garden far enough away from the edible area of your garden.

Author Bio: Ellie Lewis is researching a deer repellent for use at her home. She has discovered that deer repellent plants may do the job

Category: Home Management
Keywords: deer repellent,deer repellent plants

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