How To Perform The Downswing Correctly Using This Transition Drill

In this specific golf swing transition drill you\’ll learn a way to successfully execute a downswing using the left knee. Utilizing the knee to push your body through the downswing is vital to finding the optimum line and greater power in your shots.

To get the reliability, and then to get the strength behind your golf swing technique, it\’s extremely important you shift your weight onto your left side (right side for lefties) during your transition (at the time when you shift from the backswing into your downswing).

The shifting within your left knee within the downswing will move the arc of your swing plane forward and will let you hit down into your golf ball, which then yields far more length both in your drives along with your iron shots. It is easy to perfect this weight transference should you start your downswing well.

The method that you Will Begin the Downswing

The transition from the golf backswing in to the downswing is the central phase of one\’s golf swing technique. Get this wrong and then chances are you will wreck your whole swing. This transitional phase of one\’s swing tends to be that significant; many video tutorials, articles, and courses happen to be designed to fix the movement. You\’ll have heard of several of the approaches, like for example , starting the downswing using the arms or the hips as many PGA professionals swear by. Even so, starting with the left knee is one of the more popular techniques in the golf swing transition. Below is a transition drill which will enable you to begin your golf swing properly.

The way Pro\’s Do Things

For most of golfers you will note a momentary pause at the moment in between your backswing and downswing as the golf swing changes direction. From this pause, some individuals claim that concentrating on pushing through the left knee is in all likelihood the best option. Any time you see a pro player on film, you will see exactly how his/her left knee will come away from the right knee as their weight actually starts to move forwards. To get yourself a superior feel in this major movement within the transition in the golf swing, follow this popular drill.

The Golf Swing Transition Drill

So that you can better understand the correct way you progress the left knee in this phase, slip into your familiar golfing stance (golf club at hand), grab a hold of a football (soccer) and place that between both your knees. At this moment have a go with a number of practice swings while keeping focused on clutching the football jointly with your knees through the backswing. And then at the beginning of the downswing drive your left knee at the specific target superseded after that by the remainder of your body. That will form the space between your knees and the football should preferably fall down to the ground.

This specific movement (otherwise known as the golf swing lag) will allow the lower element of the body to begin your downswing, which in turn creates additional power as well as sets your golf club on a ideal swing plane.

Perhaps it will feel odd in the beginning but keep utilizing this transition drill until you\’ve mastered it. When you feel at ease you should start to strike a number of balls devoid of the aid of the football. Start with one of your shorter golf irons, if possible a seven. When you have the self confidence with this you could go onto which ever club you like.

Mastering this portion of the golf swing definitely will get you to hit longer and a lot more continuously.

Author Bio: Rob Green is an avid golf enthusiast, to learn more about the game and golf swing be sure to check out his Simple Golf Swing Review and his section on golf swing tips

Category: Sports
Keywords: golf swing, transition, swing transition

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