How To Speed Up Your Metabolism

Whenever you are faced with weight problems- be it obesity or weight loss, one word that instantly comes to mind is metabolism. The question is, what is metabolism? And how it is responsible for weight problems?

What is metabolism?
Metabolism is a Greek word that means out throw or transformation. Metabolism is a process that acts as fuel in maintaining our bodily functions. Our body constantly requires some energy to carry out the activities we perform on a regular basis such as walking, shopping, working and writing. This energy is provided by the body when the calories are burnt by the process of metabolism.

There are two types of metabolism:
Catabolism: It performs the function of cellular respiration by breaking the organic material.

Anabolism: It is the reverse of catabolism and utilizes energy to build the major components of cells i.e. protein and nucleic acid.

Why metabolism is important for weight loss?
Metabolism is not the only factor responsible when you gain weight. There are many other factors that increase your weigh, such as your eating habits and what tasks you perform.

Metabolism is a comparison between the number of muscles your body has and the amount of fat you have. People with more muscle in their body tend to have a higher metabolism as compared to those with less muscle.

Let’s make a comparison between two ladies, one who performs yoga and the other who does not exercise. You will come to know that the lady who performs yoga will have a maintained figure as compared to one who does not. The reason being that the one who does yoga does not have as many fat depositions in her. Hence she has a faster metabolism. She will eat more but that will be consumed by the cells in making energy for the activities she performs.

How to increase women metabolism:
There are several tips to increase the metabolism of women. One needs to stick to the program for about 21 days. You may face ups and downs until you body is habitual to the routine. Some useful l tips are:

– Increase intake of green tea: Antioxidants in green tea speed up the metabolism.

– Add more spices to your meals: Research suggests that it increases metabolism up to 50%

– Utilize more proteins: It will act as direct fuel for generating energy.

– Eat Breakfast: This is a simple one, but is still not being done in a lot of cases. By getting something in early in the day, when you wake up, you are kick starting your body.

– Consume meals 5-6 times: Excess food is of no use to the body and is wasted. Try to take small meals that the body can utilize easily.

– Performing exercise: Muscles need more energy than the fats. While exercising, your muscles consume a lot of energy hence increasing metabolism rate.

– Taking sauna baths: After consulting your physician, you can go for sauna bath as it increases the temperature of the body accelerating them metabolism rate.

Author Bio: Mr.Metabolismo – senior writer in

Category: Medical Business
Keywords: metabolism

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