How to Stay Friends Following Your Divorce

Ending a marriage is difficult for everyone involved. Though it might feel like you are destroying a family when divorcing, this does not have to be the case. Just because a relationship dynamic changes does not mean the relationship must end. As a matter of fact, it will be easier on everyone if you can maintain a friendship, even after the marriage ends. This is especially true if there are children involved. Since one or both of you might feel betrayed by the end of the relationship, it can be difficult to stay friends. You would not choose to be friends with someone you feel is dishonest or who does not have your best interest in mind. However, if a person is stuck in an unhappy marriage, it can be tough to practice either of these things. Once the marriage is over, there is an opportunity to have a healthy relationship and building a friendship. During the process of divorcing, do not let your Georgia divorce lawyer or Georgia divorce attorney talk you into doing something against your judgement. You should be looking out for yourself and your family, but this does not mean taking advantage of your soon-to-be former spouse. Do what feels right and follow your conscious.

When making choices for your family, let any bitterness you are feeling go. Do not view the process as a chance to get revenge. Think about things long-term and do what is best for everyone involved. Eventually your anger will pass. If you ended the relationship, you should be able to wish your former spouse the best. Of course, this is all based on your having had a relationship that was not physically abusive. Most of the time, relationships end because people no longer get along or feel in love.

Make sure you leave your kids out of any disputes. You might be tempted to try to turn your kids against your former spouse, especially if you feel cheated or betrayed. Work on these emotions without involving your child. It does your kids no good to feel torn between parents.

Before trying to establish a friendship, make sure you set boundaries. It can be easy to fall back into old patterns. Once you are apart, there might be a sense of relief that facilitates your getting along better. Do not mistake this for not wanting to separate if you had already made up your mind. Also remember you might feel lonely at first. Do not be tempted to settle for a relationship you did not want, just because you left and found yourself lonely. You will be tempted to regret your decisin, but you need to work through what is reality and what feeling are clouded by fear and relief.

Finally, your boundaries need to keep jealous feelings at bay. As time moves forward, you will build a friendship, but your former spouse, or you, might move on to a new romantic relationship. This change will test your fragile friendship, so do your best to keep your feelings to yourself.

Author Bio: Ellie Lewis has worked with a Georgia divorce lawyer. She finds working with a Georgia divorce attorney very helpful.

Category: Legal
Keywords: Georgia divorce lawyer,Georgia divorce attorney

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