How To Swim Your Way To A Healthier And Trimmer You

Did you know that you could swim your way to good health? It is true that swimming is great exercise, however, most people do not know why or how helpful and healthful swimming actually is. Many great athletes swim because it is a great resistance training technique that builds muscle and strength. What they did not know is that it is also a great cardio workout as well. When you throw a one-two punch like swimming and a healthy diet, you score a knock out every time. Here are some of the benefits

– Metabolism booster
– Lose weight
– Heart health
– Increase strength.

Improve Your Metabolism

Any exercise that includes both cardio and strength is one that increases your metabolic rate. This means that your body will produce new cells efficiently. That is always a good thing. Cuts and scrapes will heal faster and you will look naturally younger. Add a proper diet and watch as the pounds fall off. There are a couple of important things that you must know for swimming to be effective. First, avoid very cold water. It is not only uncomfortable but it will make you hungry because you will burn too much energy trying to get warm. Second, jumping in the pool or lounging on your inflatable raft does not count as exercise. You have to physically swim and do other things that allow you to move around in the water, like water volleyball.

Develop Stamina

Cardio training not only strengthens the heart, it also helps you to develop stamina. This means that you will be able to do more for longer amounts of time. When you build your cardio, you are building stamina by increasing the amount of blood circulation and vital oxygen rich blood helps you to be able to withstand more. You will feel energized all the time and that is always a good thing.

Cardio And Resistance Training In One

Resistance may be futile when it comes to Star Trek\’s Borg, but in the exercise world, resistance is everything. The resistance of the water against your efforts is perfect for muscle building and toning. The more time you spend exercising in the water, the stronger you will become. Activities like water aerobics are not only fun, they are a great way to enjoy your workout and as your stamina builds, you will be able to take more fun. Since fun in the water equals cardio and resistance training, you are getting a double dose of… good for you.

Be Safe-Not Sorry

Swimming is strength training and that produces something in muscle cells called Organelle or Mitochondrion, which are known as the powerhouse of the cellular world. The more you have of the super energy cells, the more energy you can burn, even at rest. This makes weight loss even easier and is one reason why strength training and weight loss programs go so well together. However, like any other exercise and diet plan you may want to start, it is always a great idea to run it by your family physician first. Always have your doctor give you the once over before starting anything new. You may also want to remember that any exercise is safer and much more fun when you use the buddy system.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our Bloodborne Pathogens Training website.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Mitochondrion,Stamina,water volleyball,jumping,hungry,How To Swim

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