How to Write High Conversion Sales Copy

Have you ever heard about the Motivating Sales Sequence?

I haven\’t used that phrase so far in this book, but we used the concept right at the beginning. We used it when we discussed your elevator pitch in Chapter 6.

The Motivating Sales Sequence is a basic sales process. It’s a way of telling someone about something … but it’s a convincing way! With your elevator pitch, you were telling people about you, but you can use the same process to tell them about your product or service.

This chapter is about using the Motivating Sales Sequence to write effective sales copy for your website. I’m talking about the product and service descriptions that are designed to convince readers to buy. Effective sales copy equals higher conversion rates. That means a higher percentage of your website visitors actually purchase your product or service.

(That’s a good thing.)

The Motivating Sales Sequence has seven specific steps. Each step gives the reader different information, but they’re all essential and the order of the steps is critically important as well. Follow along:

Step #1: Get their attention.

Start with something amazing, shocking or provocative. Reference an incredible statistic. Make a controversial statement. Ask a provocative question. The opening sentences need to jolt your readers to attention.

Step #2: Identify the problem or need.

Once you have their attention, you need to identify the problem and the pain your product or service alleviates. People have lots of problems but they’re only willing to spend money when the problem gives them some pain.

Step #3: Position your product as the solution.

Explain how your product solves the problem and alleviates the pain. Focus on the benefits, not the features. Better yet, describe the emotions – the emotions of the pain and the way your customers feel when the pain is gone.

Step #4: Differentiate yourself from the competition.

How are you different? What makes you better? This is where you present your value proposition (Chapter 5). Some people refer to this as your unique selling proposition (USP). It explains why your product or service is different and better than all the other options.

Step #5: Establish credibility and build value.

Explain why your product is worth more than the price you’re charging. Describe your experience. Talk about your guarantees. Tell them how much more all the competitive products cost. Describe all the bonuses they get.

Step #6: Provide proof (statistics and testimonials).

Answer the instinctive question, “Why should I believe you?” Here’s where you pull out the statistics. Have you won any awards? Do you have any special credentials? What about testimonials? Testimonials are extremely effective at building trust with your audience, especially if you include photos, audio or video.

Step #7: Close with a call-to-action.

This is the most important step. Ask for the sale. Be specific. Explain exactly what you want the reader to do. Missing this one step cuts your conversion in half. The people who are interested want to know how to take action. Don’t deny them that opportunity.

And finally, give them something to buy!

Hopefully, by now, you understand what this process is designed to do. It’s designed to walk people through a logical mental progression that offers your product as the best possible alternative for their situation. It’s designed to position your product as the no-brainer solution to the painful problem your audience is struggling with.

Set some time aside to write killer sales copy for all of your “advanced content” products or services (see Chapter 24). You’ll need an online description page for each one. So do it. Do it now. Get it done. You’ll be excited when you’re done and you’ll be one big step closer to making money online.

Author Bio: Patrick is the author of \”Marketing Shortcuts for the Self-Employed\” (2011, Wiley) and a regular speaker for Bloomberg TV. Watch his video about writing high conversion sales copy on YouTube.

Category: Business
Keywords: patrick,schwerdtfeger,writing,high,conversion,sales,copy

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