Importance of Fijan Massage

The ancient people used herbal medicines, meditation, diet and massage therapy as a form of alternative healing and prevention for several types of sickness and disease. All types of massage therapies were formed through the need for a good alternative medical care during the early centuries where medicines were not yet invented.

Fijan massage is one of the natural treatments developed to fill such role in a community during the early years. It is a deep therapeutic massage technique which uses gentle and firm massage on the affected areas of the body. The therapy is used for the treatment of chronic pain conditions, injuries, arthritis, headaches, and many other problems. Practitioners of this technique are honed in balancing their body while performing massage therapy with one foot working on the patient’s body.

Due to the lack of medicines and hospitals in the Fiji Islands, the local people in remote villages developed what is now known as the Fijan massage. The importance of the massage therapy is kept alive with every passing of knowledge from one generation to the next. Every village has their own native healers that are capable and are working more than 12 hours throughout the whole village to provide relief and relaxation to the people who are in dire need of therapy. You may wonder how the native practitioners are capable of servicing individuals for more than the regular working hours without straining their body or injuring their hands or feet. The secret lies on the way they work on the patient’s body as well as the use of the feet during the session.

The villagers value the importance of the massage technique by making sure that the knowledge of this healing art stays known and used by the public. The natives practice the early passing of the education in Fijan massage to their children or those who are interested in learning the bodywork. Simonis is a native healer in a remote village where Lolita Knight was residing during her stay in the Fiji Islands.

Lolita Knight developed the Fijan massage after gaining the knowledge during her stay at the village under the guidance and education of Simonis. Her study of the native Fijan massage led to the introduction and use of this magnificent massage technique to be practiced and enjoyed all over the world.

The massage therapy’s importance basically lies on its being a therapeutic massage that is effective and capable of relieving and removing any type of painful condition the patient is experiencing. It can also be used to treat and repair injuries such as deep tissue issues. It can also be used to improve blood and oxygen circulation within the body and can act as an immunity booster when taken in a regular basis. The therapy also improves and strengthens the muscles and ligaments to help enhance and remove the restricted flexibility and mobility of the moving parts of the body. Massage spas and health center also offers this type of therapeutic massage as a luxurious service meant for the relaxation of the mind and body.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stones for massage supplies provider. They carry products such as stone massage, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stones basalt stones

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