Is Rubenfeld Synergy Method Safe For Everyone?

Massage therapy today consists of more than 160 different types developed to address all sorts of medical needs, treatment and also serve as a relaxation therapy as well. Reiki, Yoga, and Polarity Therapy are just a few examples of the many relaxation techniques used and practiced all over the world.

Rubenfeld Synergy Method is a therapy that is safe and involves almost no risks at all as it only uses gentle touch and encouragement in a massage therapy session. The gentle touch requires no over-exertion of pressure which means that it basically is a touch and not a massage stroke at all. However, this simple touch rendered by a highly trained massage therapist is capable of freeing stress and fatigue that when not treated or removed can corrupt the mind and body. Body pain, medical conditions and even common ailments such as headaches are caused by simple stress and fatigue that we acquire daily from almost any type of activity.

Basically, the technique as mentioned above uses light touch and talk from a certified massage therapist. They are highly trained in various massage techniques that were combined for the sole purpose of providing a relaxing therapy for the body, mind and spirit. The risks with this type of therapy are considered very minimal in that they are regarded with no concern at all. The therapy uses prolonged gentle touch on spots located all over the body. The technique is more on the vocal therapy which uses psychological treatment for the release of emotional stress. The clients are also taught on how to free emotional stress and fatigues which are helpful in the therapy session.

Seniors are individuals who are considered to have fragile and weak musculoskeletal system. Their internal organs as well are not like those of the younger age group. Special attention and medical care is given to the elderly population as their body can’t accept rigorous treatment methods. Rubenfeld Synergy Method is appropriate for seniors who are in need of body and mind relaxation. Relaxed body and mind in older individuals helps a lot in improving their overall health condition. It also aids in providing proper mental stimulation due to the benefits they receive from the therapy.

Even pregnant women can enjoy this relaxing and luxurious therapy without worrying about contraindications with their current condition. Pregnancy massage therapies uses light and gentle massage in order to avoid exerting pressure that can cause damage to the baby and at the same time trigger effects that can cause premature birth. Rubenfeld technique on the other hand uses the same light touch although they are prolonged touch while the therapist encourages, asserts, and teaches the client stress management.

If you are still skeptical with this type of relaxation method, the best thing that you need to do is to talk to your doctor and ask for his or her opinion regarding Rubenfeld Synergy Method. If confirmed as a safe practice, the next step for you is to look for a good massage therapist for you to receive the best result from every session.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stones for massage supplies provider. They carry products such as stone massage, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stones basalt stones

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