Killing Flying Ants Made Easy

We are all aware of the types of pests that invade our homes and we certainly do as much as we can to keep them all at bay. However, sometimes, we have to leave this to the experts who come in and sort out the matter in double quick time. For example, flying ants are usually found when it is the rainy season and they only use the wings to get from one place to another to form a new colony. A flying ant will then drop its wings off and this is sometimes the first thing that we notice that some kind of pest is invading our places.

In fact, these little creatures are normally what everyone fears but they are not really that bad at all. There are other kinds of pests that should be avoided at all costs but these guys are just more of a nuisance really. Some of the dangerous kinds of this particular pest are the army and bullet varieties and these should be avoided at all costs. The fire variety is also quite dangerous so steering clear of these is probably the best thing to do. If any are found, get it identified by any pest control outlet and, if they are particularly dangerous, especially if kids or pets are around, there is nothing else to do but get fumigated.

Many people believe that these creatures and man are inseparable and this is true in the sense that wherever man is, these guys will be sure to follow. This is for no other reason than we provide a warm and comfortable place for them, with water and food readily available. If none of these facilities were available to them they would have no interest in invading so this may point out a way to keep them under control.

In kitchens, food should be kept out of reach of the creatures; crumbs should be swept up and discarded in closed containers and if there is any water around, cover it or stop taps dripping so that they cannot find what they are looking for. In the garden, particularly if the family likes having picnics, make sure all food is packed in containers and do not leave edibles on the grass or patio since it will not take them long to find it. Likewise for sodas and sweet drinks which seem to attract them in double quick time so wipe up spills and leave nothing to chance.

Apart from doing all of the above, there are sprays and powders on the market which claims to kill just about everything but these can be rather noxious to those who suffer with chest or breathing problems. Whenever chemicals are to be used, it may be better to leave it up to the experts since they will not only know the right ones to use, they will do it quickly and advise when the house is safe to be in again etc. It may cost just a little more, but this will not have to be done often.

Author Bio: Penny Lane found evidence of flying antsat her home. She has been doing research on how to deal with the flying ant infestation.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: flying ants,flying ant

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