Learn About Some of the Content Management Systems You Have to Choose From

One of the very first decisions you will need to make if you are looking for a web ecommerce solution is what type of content management system to use. While this sounds simple enough, there are actually a lot of things you need to consider before making this decision. The first thing is to pick the specific kind of system you will use, but this can be challenging because there are many different options ranging from Word press to a Umbraco system. Finding the right CMS system is essential to getting your new web development project off the ground and functioning as quickly as possible. There are many different CMS systems available and you will need to put some thought into identifying the items that are the most important for you before you make a final decision. Listed below are many of the most popular options for CMS systems.

Word Press is probably the most popular CMS platform available. It was originally designed as a blogging platform but it is ease of use and flexibility has extended its reach. It is now used for standard websites that do not even include a blog. One of the reasons Word Press is so popular is that it is easy to install and there is plenty of documentation available for people who are new to the system. You do not actually need any detailed programming or coding knowledge in order to use Word Press. There are also thousands of plugins and customizations that can be made that will allow nearly unlimited customization.

Drupal is another large and popular CMS system. This is more of a straight CMS system instead of a modified blog platform. Drupal has many optional modules that you can get the will provide you with the ability to add things like blogs, forums, etc.

Joomla is the next most popular CMS platform (although there are frequent arguments between the Drupal and Joomla communities). Joomla is also a complete CMS system and is relatively easy to get started with. Similar to Word Press, there are thousands of plugins and modules available that can easily update the functionality of the site. However, unlike Word Press, you usually have to pay for most of those. Those three platforms are considered the big three systems that people talk about the most. Because they are so popular, it means there are many different kinds of help available for new users. The users of these systems are also very active in forums as well as continually providing new plugins, etc as people request the ability to add further customizations to their site. However, just because they are the most talked about does not mean they are the only options available to you. Some of the other systems you should consider are Umbraco, Expression Engine, Text Pattern, Radiant CMS, Cushy CMS, Silver Stripe, Alfresco and TYPO light. Picking your content management system is a big decision and it will have repercussions far into the future of your site. Make sure you do the research and weight the positives and negatives of each system before you make your final decision.

Author Bio: Penny Lane searched the internet for the term Chicago umbraco in order to find a reputable company. She hired a Chicago web ecommerce company to work on her website.

Category: Internet
Keywords: Chicago umbraco,Chicago web ecommerce

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