Learning About Acupuncture

More people than ever before are turning to various types of alternative medicine because they are frustrated. The standard medical techniques are turning more toward just prescribing more drugs for your health conditions and people are looking for other options. Alternative medicine is beginning to step up and be the answer for a lot of people. The most well-known practitioners of alternative medicine are acupuncturists found in larger cities. If you are having a health issue that has not been resolved through traditional medicine, find an acupuncturist because they may finally be able to give you some relief.

Acupuncture was first developed in China over 5,000 years ago. The basis of the treatment is that there are twelve invisible energy lines within your body that are called meridians. Each of these different energy lines is indirectly connected to a different organ system.

People who swear by this alternative treatment believe that health problems and disease starts with the energy does not flow properly through these energy lines. When the practitioner inserts the special needles into specific places, the balance is restored. That is the theory behind the treatment, but there are more specific medical benefits involved in the treatment. This type of treatment can stimulate the release of endorphins that reduce pain. The treatment can also stimulate your circulation and your autonomic nervous system. Another thing that it does is to influence the substances that send your nerve impulses to your brain.

As alternative medicines are gaining respect in the medical community, acupuncture is leading the way. It is easily the best known type of alternative medicine. In fact, the FDA has estimated that more than $500 million is spend in the United States on alternative treatments. Further proof of the increased respect that it is getting is the fact that many insurance companies are now beginning to cover alternative medicine in many of their medical insurance policies. Even the needles used were reclassified by the FDA in 1997. They used to be classified as “experimental” devices, but changed to become a bona fide “medical device”. The National Institute of Health also joined the bandwagon and when they officially endorsed the use of acupuncture as a treatment for things like tennis elbow, carpal tunnel and even post-op pain.

Some of the other health conditions that are believed to be helped by these treatments are addictions, colds, migraines and tension headaches, fibromyalgia, weight loss, sciatica, arthritis, asthma and low back pain. Your first appointment will begin with a consultation with your practitioner so that they can find out more about your lifestyle as well as your health concerns. A very brief physical exam will take place so they can determine the health of your 12 meridians. At that point, they will develop a treatment plan that will include the insertion of 6/12 needles. Many people think that the needles feel similar to getting a shot, however their impact is much less than that. A few people feel a brief sting in the area however most people do not feel anything at all if they are inserted by an experienced acupuncturist.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter recently contacted an acupuncturist NYC to treat a medical condition. His wife searched the term acupuncturists NYC to find a medical facility near her office.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: acupuncturist NYC,acupuncturists NYC

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