Measuring Email Marketing Success

In the changing world of technology, companies need to find new techniques to market their company. In the old days, businesses were able to market themselves through media sources, such as television, radio, newspaper and the phone book. The problem is that people can fast forward through television commercials, which makes that source of advertising less efficient. People can turn the dial on a radio to tune out commercials. In addition, many people do not even subscribe to newspapers or phone books any more, as the information they need is free online. One of the solutions to effective marketing is through Email. This technique allows companies to send promotional offers to thousands of people, and best of all it is free. The only question is, how can a company measure Email marketing success?

There are several ways a company can measure Email marketing success. The first way is to request a read receipt. This will allow the company to be notified when a recipient opens the Email. If the company only receives a few read receipts back, they may need to target a different market or make the subject line more appealing. The subject line should be something that entices people to open the message, but should not be too far over the top. Too many companies scam customers, by creating a subject line that includes terms like free and claim yours today. These headings almost ensure that the message will be sent directly to the trash can.

The second way is to have a link within the message. The company can insert a direct link to buy the product or service. When people click the direct link to make their purchase, the company will know that the person got to that link via the Email. They could even use a view counter on that specific link to track how many people visit the page, whether they make a purchase or not. This would further allow the company to calculate their closing rate. If a lot of people are visiting the direct link, but not purchasing the product, it could mean that people are interested, but want to shop around for a better price.

Another way to measure Email marketing success is to give people an incentive to read the message. Companies can insert a savings code within the message that would give readers a percentage off the price. This might be enough to turn shoppers into buyers and it will definitely allow companies to measure their Email marketing success. If a lot of people are entering the unique code during the purchasing process, the company will know that they read the Email. Perhaps the people who read the Email will even tell their friends and family about the unique code to enter, which will drive even more business to the website.

These are a few free ways for a company to measure their Email marketing success. If these techniques do not provide the optimum results, companies can use outsourced marketing companies to evaluate their messages. The business might just need to slightly tweak their message to achieve the desired results.

Author Bio: Trevor Richards writes for Extravision, one of the UKs leading email marketing companies.

Category: Advice
Keywords: email marketing, email campaign, ecommerce, internet marketing, e-commerce, sales, business

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