Meet Women Game Plan

If you really want to know how to meet girls like a true PUA, then you better get yourself a game plan. Nobody meets women by sitting around on the couch drinking beer and watching sports. The only way you are going to be able to effectively meet women is to get your butt up and out the door.

It doesn’t matter necessarily where you go, as long as it is a place that isn’t just for men. So obviously going to a men’s club or something is not going to do the drink. You need to target places that are mixed gender. So, that will be your first requirement.

The second way to decide where you should go to meet women is probably a place that you want to be. What I mean by that is think about what you like to do and how you like to spend your time. What I said before about not going to a place where there are only men does not mean you have to avoid places that are predominantly attended by men. Sometimes going to a baseball game, if you are a big fan, will help you meet your dream girl, who might even be more enthusiastic about your favorite team than you are.

With that said, I do think you will have a better chance of meeting a number of women if you go to a place where women traditionally gather. For instance, you might consider taking a class at your gym that is something usually filled with women, such as yoga or aerobics of step class. This is not to say that no men ever take these classes. That isn’t what I mean. The reason I recommend these types of classes and activities is that you can then skew the ratio of men to women in your favor. You will be the minority and have a better chance of meeting women when you are the only guy in the class.

When you are thinking about Where To Meet Women what is more important than going someplace with a majority of women is going someplace where you increase the odds of meeting a woman you might be compatible with. That means going places you already like to go and engaging in activities you already are interested in. This means also, finally taking that French class you’ve always thought about or enrolling in that karate course you’ve been eyeing for years.

When you are ready to meet women that means that it is also time for you to expand your horizons and enrich your life. You see that this will help you two-fold. It not only increases your odds of meeting women (actually skyrockets your odds if you normally spend all your time at home on the couch), but it also increases your chances of getting a woman to go out with you once you meet her.

What I mean by that, is the more classes, activities or interests you have, the more interesting a person you become. The more interesting a person you become, the more attractive you will appear to women everywhere.

So, get off that couch and get out there today.

Author Bio: Bill has been a PUA for the last 5 years in NYC and can teach you the skills you need to be one, as well, including how to text a girl. The original article can be found here: Meet Women Game Plan.

Category: Dating
Keywords: how to text a girl, meet women, how to talk to a girl, pua forum, flirting tips

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