Nopalea and Ancient Methods to Flush Toxins

Ancient civilizations have left traces that show they also had methods to cleanse their body of toxins. These include bathing in hot springs and saunas, massages and even colonics. Others have fasted to flush toxins from their bodies.

Today fasting is a popular method to rid the body of toxins. Often, people who fast will drink strictly liquids for a day and up to three days. Some fasting regimes will allow one full meal a day, while others cut it out completely. Some fasts last up to three days.

People who fast are working to cleanse the body of toxins, but it seems one obstacle to maintaining the fast is the lack of nutrients. Broth is often not enough. If one meal a day or some of the liquid intake is supplemented or replaced by Nopalea Juice, the body would get a host of nutrients. Nopal or Nopalea Juice is made from the prickly pear cactus. It is not only a natural antioxidant, it is believed to also be a natural anti-inflammatory. The cactus is overflowing with vitamins and minerals.

So, Nopalea Juice can be used as a healthy way to detoxify the body. You are still fasting but are still getting energy and nutrients. In addition, because of its antioxidant properties, this juice may be helping you fight other potential problems from cropping up years down the road.

In addition, if you replace broth or one meal a day with the juice, you can also use it as a weight loss method. It tastes delicious and is filling, unlike those other cans of meal-replacement weight loss drinks.

What’s nice about drinking Nopalea Juice as a way to detox is it is easy. It is portable. You don’t have to take time out from your busy day to go to the gym and sit in the sauna or visit a masseuse or herbalist for a colonic. You just drink it wherever you may be.

It also eliminates some of the pesky side effects of fasting such as a headache, nausea, or even dizziness. It doesn’t feel like depravation, either. That helps when the restrictions of fasting make you give it up before it has done its job or had its full effect. Nopalea Juice will keep your body satisfied while it helps to detoxify it, as well.

It is believed that the use of the prickly pear cactus as both a food and medicine dates back to the time of the Aztecs. This native Sonoran plant grows rampant in Central and South American. It is eaten much like a vegetable. It can be grilled, boiled, and steamed. It is used in tacos and often made to accompany a batch of eggs.

The cactus is also an ingredient in some candy. When it is made into Nopalea Juice, it is naturally sweetened with agave nectar. This may be part of what gives it is lovely sunset coloring. The juice also is fortified with a host of natural fruit extracts and concentrates.

Author Bio: Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about Nopal Cactus benefits for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study how Nopalea contains amazing properties that help with all kinds of joint pain, including shoulder pain. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: nopal cactus benefits, sacroilica joint pain, swollen ankles, knee pain, joint pain

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