Nopalea Helps on Many Levels

Inflammation may be the root cause of so many illnesses and diseases that actually finding a way to stop it could be life shattering.

After Time Magazine came out with a cover story documenting the link between chronic inflammation and serious illness, the popularity of methods to stop inflammation has skyrocketed.

One such method, drinking Nopalea Juice, has practically gone global in its fame. The juice, which is made from the prickly pear cactus, has been said to help people around the world with a variety of ailments.

It just makes sense since the prickly pear cactus is a known anti-inflammatory. It is also an anti-oxidant, which makes it a double whammy in the good health department.

The cactus, a native of the Sonoran desert, has been used as both a food and medicine for many centuries. It is believed that its use dates back to the time of the Aztecs even. It is also recently called the Nopal Cactus. Native South and Central Americans have drunk the juice in its native form, which is a bit green and slimy.

Now Trivita has sweetened the juice naturally with agave nectar and fortified it with about a dozen fruit concentrates and extracts giving it even more nutritional heft, and also enhancing its delicious flavors.

Nopalea Juice is used for weight loss, to fight inflammation, to relieve pain, to reduce swelling, to stomp out headaches, to eliminate acne, to boost energy and to induce calm. And these are just a few of the benefits claimed by people who have made drinking the juice a part of their daily regimen.

The daily regimen of drinking Nopalea Juice is simple. It involves drinking – at least at the beginning of your wellness challenge – only three to six ounces of the juice each day. Do this for thirty days and see what types of results you have garnered. After that, to maintain the benefits of drinking Nopalea Juice, you should drink only one to three ounces a day. Of course, the amount you drink depends greatly on how much inflammation you need to fight in your body.

So not only does Nopalea Juice fight inflammation and all the other symptoms of having inflammation, but it also helps to rejuvenate a person’s cellular health. The plant that is the main ingredient in the juice – the prickly pear cactus – contains a special cancer-fighting pigment or pigments. They are called betalains and are also found in Swiss chard and beets. This bright pigment works to reduce a person’s risk of getting a blood clot by helping shield the blood vessel linings. By reducing inflammation, this prevents the blood from becoming sticking and clotting.

In addition, the betalains help reduce toxins inside the body. They act as a natural detoxification method. This allows the body’s cells to flush toxins out and regain their natural healthy state.

It is said that the prickly pear cactus may contain one of the highest amounts of betalains compared to other plants.

So drinking all-natural Nopalea Juice can help you on many levels.

Author Bio: Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about Nopal Juice for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study how Nopalea contains amazing properties that help with all kinds of joint pain, including reducing swelling. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: General Nopalea, Reducing Swelling, Pain Relief, Joint Pain, Nopal Juice, Swollen Knee, Foot Pain

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