Paternity Testing Ireland: Immigration, Inheritance and Paternity Issues

If you have a need for paternity testing, Ireland can offer a number of options in the field of DNA testing. Ireland is now just as capable as any other country of providing the public with a DNA paternity test on request, even though it is only relatively recently that such services have been directly available in the country.

Generally, it has been necessary to send samples elsewhere for private DNA tests. Sure, forensic DNA analysis has been available for official testing, but these services have not been available for the public to use. Now you can carry out DNA paternity testing in Ireland if you have a need to establish who the father of a child is.

First, a few comments on the need for DNA testing, and why, with regard to Paternity testing, Ireland has been chosen by testing companies to set up Irish offices. Ireland is part of the EU, and with an increasing number of countries joining the EU, this country along with many others will possibly be subject to an influx of immigrants.

Immigration is not necessarily a serious problem, but it can be when they also claim entry for their close relatives. DNA testing, Ireland, UK, France or any other EU country, will become increasingly more important in determining the truth of claimed relationships, particularly father and child relationships.

Here are few reasons why for DNA testing, Ireland is attracting an increasing number of facilities to carry out this important work simply because it is a member of the EU. Other countries are the same, and the same services are available all over the UK and Europe.

1. Peace of Mind

The mother, potential father and the child might all at some time need definitive proof of paternity simply to set their mind at rest. Children like to know who their biological father is irrespective of who is raising them, and either \’parent\’ may have reason to need some form of confirmation. The only thing that can be certain to a mother is that a child is hers. A father only has her word for it that he is the father of her child, and at some time he might want some form of confirmation.

In discussions about the need for paternity testing, Ireland has sometimes been regarded as unprofitable for private DNA testing services, but it is now understood that not only does the country have the same paternity problems as anywhere else in the world, but that the expansion of the European Community has raised a few unexpected problems. First, however, some of the more traditional needs for DNA paternity testing, Ireland or anywhere else.

2. Wills and Inheritances

When a will is being written or even when an inheritance issue is being challenged, there might be a need for any children involved to be subject to DNA testing. Ireland is part of the EU and both Human and Statutory Rights might become an issue in the event of children demanding their share of an inheritance if they have reason to believe that they are offspring of the deceased.

No man would be happy leaving his money to another man\’s child, and in many cases children have been excluded from a will in the mistaken belief that they are not the issue of the testator. A simply paternity test will establish the truth once and for all, and with regard to DNA testing, Ireland now has its own private testing services that the public can access.

3. Determining Siblings

Another reason for a paternity test in Ireland is that it is sometimes necessary to determine whether or not two young people are siblings – or at least share the same father. This could again be due to a will or inheritance, but there could also be other reasons for DNA paternity testing to be necessary. Such siblings cannot legally marry, for example, and there are many situations where parenthood can only be determined by testing the children and the father.

4. Immigration

Immigration can be another reason for paternity testing, Ireland being part of the EU and therefore subject to allowing immigrants of certain nationalities to take up residence in the country. There may be circumstances when such immigrants claim to have children or parents living abroad who should also be allowed in. By carrying out DNA testing, Ireland immigration authorities can determine the truth of such claims.

Finally, the objective of paternity testing is to establish who the father of a child is beyond reasonable doubt. Not all paternity tests in Ireland are legal in the eyes of the courts, and for any purpose other than for peace of mind, the DNA paternity test has to be carried out under strict supervision with recorded sample custody.

Nevertheless, the peace of mind tests are generally enough for most paternity testing, Ireland being no different to any other country in that respect, although there will no doubt be an increasing number of legal DNA paternity testing carried out as immigration increases.

Author Bio: Further details on forensic and personal paternity tests in Ireland, check out Paternity Test Ireland where you will also find information on the full range of DNA testing available including sibling, maternity and forensic DNA testing.

Category: Medical Business
Keywords: paternity testing Ireland, DNA testing Ireland, paternity testing, DNA paternity testing, DNA testin

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