Playstation 3 Trumps Xbox 360 in All Areas – Sony Outshines Microsoft Yet Again

The console gaming battle rages on, and every holiday season people rush to the store to get either one of the three major players. While casual gamers don’t really flock to the diehard options, gamers that want serious games and exclusive titles have two major choices. The two brands fighting for the hearts of serious gamers are Sony and Microsoft. Each company has released what they have marketed as the ultimate gaming machine, and it’s plain to see that they have really tried their best to outshine each other, but when comparing the two it’s clear that Sony’s Playstation 3 has the upper hand in terms of gameplay, high definition entertainment, graphics, and even processing power.

The PS3 comes equipped with a high definition Blu Ray player. The player is one of the lower price points for entertainment fans that want gaming and high definition movies. This piece of technology is not only a great draw for gamers it is the only option on the market that can play both games and entertainment options of the latest and greatest release. Microsoft does not offer any sort of comparable option for gamers, and while they offer some streaming compatibilities, Sony does as well, so there is no comparison when it comes to drive technology. The drives are different, and Sony wins with ease based solely on the strength of Blu Ray.

Gameplay and graphics are two things that haven’t always walked hand in hand. However, in recent years the production of games made exclusively for Sony and third party games being developed have all seen triumphs in terms of graphics, sounds, and most importantly gameplay. The controller is the key here, because gamers that have been loyal to Sony have gone through three major incarnations of the Playstation remote, all of which are similar in structure, offer the same functionality and have only increased in response. The old adage shines here, “if it aint broke, don’t fix it”, and it is prove positive with the Sony remote. As for the Xbox 360, they still have issues with the size, button layout and responsiveness of their controllers.

Just when you thought the two are comparable on a lot of levels, the Sony option shines through with sheer brute force. This was exhibited recently when the United States Air Force tied together over one thousand PS3’s to create a super computer. The processing engines working together helped the United States Air Force Research Laboratory process high-end graphics to see and identify UFO’s and other objects that are flying through space. Yes, even the government recognizes that if you harness the brute force of the 3.2 GHz Cell Engine, great innovations can happen.

Simply put, there are two consoles trying to get gamer’s attentions and Sony continually hits hard with graphics, gameplay, and processor power. If that is not enough, the Playstation Network allows gamers to play online, and then the Blu Ray drive lets anyone enjoy high-end visualizations through sight and sound of movies like never before. Sony wins and outshines Microsoft on all levels here.

Author Bio: Are you looking for more information regarding Playstation 3? Visit today!

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: high definition,sony wins,process high-end graphics

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