Prevent Running Injuries by Knowing Your Foot Type

There are many models of running shoes and each has their own specific design. Each pair are designed for a different purpose and for different types of feet. You will need running shoes based on the kind of feet you have. In this article we will explain how to determine your foot type.

Generally speaking there are three kinds of feet. Outlined below are what types of running shoe works best with each of the three specific foot types.

High Arched Feet

This foot type has a very high arch. It is easy to determine a high arch, however, when uncertain place your fingers below your arch when your foot is flat on the ground. You should be able to push it more than half way through the breadth of your foot. Your footprint will easily show your heel and forefoot, but only a small impression in between. The curve at the center of the foot is so great that it extends almost to the other side of the foot.

The trouble that high arched feet have is that their feet under pronate. This means that their feet have a tendency to turn outwards while walking or running. When you run long distances, the arches will tend to break a little causing your foot to extend in length. Those with high arches need to look for a neutral running shoe.

Flat Feet or Low Arch

Unlike high arched foot types, a low arch foot type are those that have very little arch. The footprint will not look like a normal one but will look a little smudged. Opposite to high arched people, those that are flat footed will most likely over pronate. This means that your feet turn inwards when walking or running.

If you have flat feet, it is advisable that you go for orthotics shoes, which are custom made. If you want to go with branded orthotics, look for the ones that give you added support and are on the firm side. Orthotics will provide the extra support needed. Words like “Motion Control” are what you look for in your running shoes.

Average Arch

If you don\’t have a low arch and you don\’t have a high arch, then chances are you fall into the normal foot category. Most of us have normal feet, but with varying levels of the arch. Thus if you have a higher arch, go for a more comfortable and neutral shoe, while if you have a negligible arch go for one that gives you a little more support. There are lots models to choose from, so try on many pairs to make sure you get the one that\’s most comfortable for you.

The reason for being so careful about your shoes is that if you are a runner, you need to ensure that your foot is protected at all costs. Wearing the wrong runners can and will eventually cause injuries and, as a runner, injuries means rest and no running. Investing the time into determining your correct foot type so that you can choose the right running shoe is worth it in the “long run”.

Author Bio: Jacquie Cattanach has enjoyed running and triathlons for over a quarter of a century and loves to write about it on her Running Blog. You can find lots of interesting running facts and reviews on topics such as the best running socks and

Category: Sports
Keywords: running shoes, foot type, high arched feet, flat feet, normal feet, pronate,

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