PUSH Therapy Overview

Push therapy is a specialized form of therapeutic massage developed for chronic tension and pain relief developed by Michael Takatsuno. PUSH therapy is also known as power under soft hands which provides safe, effective, and fast acting results as well as aiding on the improvement on the body posture of the patient. The therapy itself implies the use of gentle and light touch on the patient during the massage therapy session.

The therapy was developed by a former athlete who sustained back pain while playing tennis. Michael Takatsuno designed this wonderful therapeutic massage that provides a long-lasting effect on the patient as well as a relaxing condition for the masseuse during the massage therapy session. The therapy he developed was intended to provide comfortable stance, disregard the need for hand pressure, and the advantage of not exerting any muscular force during the use of this massage technique. Because of this, injury reports with PUSH practitioners are much lower than with the other types of therapeutic massage all over the world.

PUSH treatment begins with physical evaluation done by palpation. The massage therapist during this process assesses the patient’s body in search for conditions. When the physical examination is done, the therapist then knows where to conduct the techniques. This also gives the patient an idea on the areas that are affected and needs treatment. Integration technique is essential in helping the therapist spot and eliminates build ups on the patient’s body. Adhesions are usually what cause these muscle pains aside from the stress and fatigue acquired by the body everyday.

Power under soft hands utilizes gentle touch on a fully clothed client during the massage therapy. Soft pressure stimulation is a technique utilized in this therapy as a method for regaining the proper flow of blood and oxygen within the affected muscle groups. It helps in building back the original condition of the muscle tissues by replenishing the lost nutrients. The technique also allows the improvement of the mobility and flexibility of the muscle, tendon and ligament. It also helps strengthen them and prevents the return of the dysfunction. Stationary pressure is also used on the patient to help with the release on the blood flow. The technique also helps to desensitize hypersensitive tissue on the patient’s affected areas of the body.

The PUSH therapy associates and promotes self-treatment programs to get rid of syndromes from returning. The program acts as a defense to prevent any of the treated conditions from coming back again. In a PUSH therapy session, half of the time used on the session is used by the massage therapist on teaching the client on how to perform self therapy. The program relieves the body from acute and chronic muscle pains even when the client is at home or at work. The therapy is not limited at the massage center or spa as it can be performed by the patient anywhere and anytime. Not only does it permanently relieve pain, it is also good for improving the posture in the long run as the therapy includes PUSH posture exercises as well.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stones for massage supplies provider. They carry products such as stone massage, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stones for massage stone massage

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