Reasons Why Dental Appointments Are Important

Teeth are the first thing a person notices when someone smiles. They are one of the more important items on the human body, yet many people take them for granted. Whether the teeth are straight, crooked, bright white or dingy, without them a person cannot chew or start the process of digestion. That is why it is important to schedule and keep semi-annual dental appointments.

Unfortunately for dentists, one of the top fears that people express is having to see a dentist. For whatever the reason, dentists are more feared than regular doctors, police officers, and mental health doctors. Because of this fear, many adults and children do not get the preventative services need to keep their teeth and gums healthy. Dentists have to work around patient fears and establish valid reasons for regular visits.

The main reason for seeing a dentist twice a year is for cleanings. No matter how good a patient thinks they are brushing, there will always be a build up of tartar behind key teeth and around the gum line. Hygienists are often the people assigned the task of cleaning and monitoring a patients oral health. They will clean and polish the teeth and note any changes that have occurred. This ensures that the patient is continuing his or her oral health.

While cleaning and brushing are important, visits to the clinic also require x-rays. These x-rays are evaluated by the dentist to show any bone loss occurring in the jaws, as well as any cavities or abscesses. This form of prevention is imperative to catch possible problems early. Many cavities do not begin hurting until they are very large. By being able to catch the cavity while it is still small, the patient may be able to avoid larger, expensive fillings, or even the need for crowns.

Oral health includes all aspects of the mouth, to include the gums. Even people who brush regularly frequently do not floss. For some they say that it is uncomfortable, for other they may say that they forget. Their reasons are not as important as their neglect of their gum tissue. The periodontal tissue around the teeth can harbor bacteria.

Another aspect of oral health is the cheeks, tongue, and throat. Each of these areas can show signals of problems. A tongue that is discolored or has lesions underneath can be early signs of oral cancer. The throat is observed to see if there are any rashes, swellings, or other visual signs of problems. The cheeks are also observed for any pre-cancerous signs.

Another reason for attending checkups is for the overall health of the teeth. The teeth combined with saliva begins the process of digestion in human beings. If teeth are rotting, weak, or missing they cannot be as effective in breaking down the food. While it may not cause an immediate problem, it can build up over time.

Maintaining good dental health is as important and exercising and staying fit. Even though many people avoid going to the dentist, steps should be taken to begin a regular routine for checkups. Dentists are there to help prevent, not just treat oral health problems.

Author Bio: Looking for a Richmond Hill dentist? We are your premiere Richmond Hill dentistry clinic with the most qualified specialist for your dental cosmetic and health needs.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: dental, health, teeth, cosmetics, accessories, beauty, wellness, services, family, business, society

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