Reminders For Taking Care of Pet in Summer

The dog days of summer have arrived and with it the need to taking care of pet in summer. Hot weather, like cold, have special circumstances that must be considered for the well-being of your pet. Here are a few things to consider.

Water and shelter are tantamount. Your pet should always have clean, fresh water available as well as a shelter from bad weather or shade from the sun. During hotter weather, your furry companion will consume far more water than usual to remain cool, be aware of this and check the dish often.

Learn the signs of dehydration and heat stroke for your pet. By early recognition of a problem you can avoid an emergency visit to the veterinary hospital. Plan ahead for days in which the heat is expected to be above normal.

Humans are not the only creatures that thrive in warmer weather. Be aware that during warmer months poisonous insects, snakes, scorpions, and other creatures are more active creating the potential for harm to your beloved friend. Take the necessary precautions to protect their health.

Fleas, ticks and other pests are more likely to view your companion as a walking buffet when the weather is warmer. It is a good idea to routinely apply flea and tick repellent to your pet and groom them to check for problems. In the event there is an infestation of the yard or home be prepared to contact an exterminator.

Your fuzzy friend\’s vaccines should be up to date. Vaccines do not prevent infection, but in the event there is contact with an infected creature, the potentially devastating disease can be manageable. If you travel with your pet, you will want to consult your veterinarian for the recommended vaccines for the areas you will be visiting.

Taking care of pet in summer means you need to be aware of your breed\’s disposition to climate. If you have a dog that was breed for colder weather, be aware they may not tolerate hot weather as well, such as a Siberian Husky or Malamute. Some owners have been known to shave their dog during the hotter months to aid in the comfort of the animal, or provide a wading pool.

During this time it is only natural that we flock to bodies of water, and this often includes taking the family dog. Taking a dog on an adventure has the same types of responsibilities as taking a child. You will need to watch for potential hazards and be prepared in the event of an emergency. This may mean the purchase of a life jacket for the dog, or reflective vest. There are also First Aid kits which can be purchased designed specifically with animals health in mind.

Summer is a great time to have fun for everyone. By thinking of your pets needs you can drastically reduce the possibility of a bad experience. By taking care of pet in summer you can keep a happy, healthy companion for a long time.

Author Bio: dog training London Ontario can be challenging, but the rewards are priceless. dog training Calgary requires discipline and consistancy. When experiencing problems, consult a professional.Bark Busters In Home Dog and Puppy Training
256 East 2nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5T 0A7 (604) 812-8214 +1 866-418-4584

Category: Pets
Keywords: pet training, dogs, puppy, pets, animals, family, society, shopping, business, health, fitness, fina

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