Risks and Contraindications to Visceral Manipulation

All forms of therapeutic massage practiced all over the world include risks and contraindications that can do further damage to the health of the patient rather than doing good. This includes the risks of injuring the muscle tissues due to the overuse of pressure and the improper use of massage strokes to the specific area of the body. Bone damages are also part of the risks during and after a massage therapy session.

Visceral manipulation is the type of therapy used to regain the proper position and to promote optimum function within the various internal organs of the body. The organs in the body are believed to be in their free range of motion in order to work properly without encountering dysfunction and disorder. Any blockage such as adhesions, muscle tissue stiffness, and other factors that causes discomfort and problems within the system and the body itself should be immediately removed, treated, or conditioned. This technique is used by almost all types of individuals in the field of medicine due to its effectiveness and success after each treatment.

Regardless of its effects and benefits though, the risks and contraindications to the treatment should also receive consideration. The first rule in order to avoid worsening the current problem or situation of the body’s health is to seek the expert service of a therapist. A well trained, certified, and experienced therapist knows the does and don’ts of the art of visceral manipulation. T hey know if the wrong manipulation is conducted, serious results would follow. They can cut the risks and reduce them so that the patient can freely relax and concentrate on getting back to their healthy form and state without worrying about the risks of the treatment

The contraindications to the treatment include clients who are have tumors or cysts on certain parts of the body especially on the organs, bleeding, fragile skeletal condition, pregnancy, and other conditions which can create a worse condition from the current. In conditions where tumors are present, massaging the area can cause adverse effects to the body which can lead to more serious problems in the future. If bleeding is also present in the body of the patient, it would be wise to avoid any therapeutic massage as the use of pressure can cause abnormal increase in the flow of blood which can create other problems. Weak bones are one of the most common contraindications to treatments in any type of therapy. It is important that you stay out of any therapeutic massages that are not advisable for individuals who are experiencing this skeletal condition. Aside from the conditions on the bones, pregnancy is also known to easily gain side effects from massage therapies that are not specially designed for this condition. Although visceral manipulation uses gentle touch, the method used is penetrating to the deep tissue which is known to cause miscarriage among expectant mothers when tried during pregnancy. That is why I always emphasize the need for a scheduled discussion or consultation with someone who is knowledgeable when it comes to our health.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stones for massage supplies provider. They carry products such as stone massage, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stones for massage stone massage

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