Risks of Fijan Massage

The natives of the Fiji Islands in Kadavu enjoy a therapeutic massage that is capable of treating chronic body pains, correcting and repairing injuries, and several conditions of the human body. Fijan massage also known as Fijan barefoot technique is a type of massage therapy that works by conducting massage strokes and techniques with the foot instead of the hands.

Like all other types of massage therapies and techniques, the risks involved in an alternative medical care are also considered as dangerous if not taken seriously by both the patient and the therapist. A good massage therapist will consider the health of his or her patient rather than the monetary gain from the therapy session. As a therapist, they are taught on how to spot abnormalities and medical conditions in the body of a patient.

The risks involved in a Fijan massage are the injuries related to miscalculation on the use of the foot and balance during the massage therapy session. During a massage therapy, the therapist balances his or her body while working with one foot on the body of the patient. Any fall from the improper balancing can and will result from minor to serious injuries. Depending on where the therapist will fall is considered risky as if in case he or she fell on the patient, both of them can get injured. The lack of proper education or knowledge of the massage therapist will also result to problems which is why it is important to get the service of a highly trained therapist. Inappropriate exertion of pressure on the body of the patient can also be risky as it can either bruise or cause the muscles to become sore from the amount of pressure used.

Contraindications involve high blood pressure, pregnancy, skeletal conditions and few more medical conditions. It would be best to provide accurate data to your massage therapist before the actual massage therapy so that any possible problems would be avoided and prevented. Anyone who is hasty in trying out the therapy without giving proper medical history can expect a worsened condition instead of being healed.

Regardless of the risks and contraindications, the Fijan massage therapy is full of benefits and great effects if you are after a healthy constitution. Just make sure that you’ve made all the necessary preparations and researches prior to any indulging from this amazing therapy.

This is why a consultation or visit with a doctor prior to any scheduling of a Fijan massage, or any type of therapeutic massage is essential for the safety of the patient. Doctors and physicians can help you rule out the risks and avoid having or worsening any problems in the future. It is also important to look for a certified, skilled and knowledgeable massage therapist if your doctor approves your interest in Fijan massage. There are many massage spas and health centers that have good massage therapist capable of performing the techniques with lower level of risks. A good place to start your search would be through the internet or your local phone directory.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stones for massage supplies provider. They carry products such as stone massage, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stones for massage stone massage

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